
I laughed...God forgive me, but I chuckled heartily at that...And while Cody seems sweet, her saying she’s (allegedly) 25 years old had me giving her the side-eye.

Lesson of the Day for young girls who get pregnant by old codgers: Get everything in writing.

Unless Landon is looking for a new sponsor, who would EVER touch Thomas? He’s not unattractive and I love is “Foghorn Leghorn” accent, but he has some deeper issues. And while he’s rich, he’s not “that” rich. Landon and Kathryn seem like they’re looking for the type of big fish Ms. Altschul caught. (Though she was


New York and New Jersey can go (I’m originally from NJ and these women are not interesting. Carole is half-interesting sometimes, but then turns ridiculous in a non-fun way; I miss Aviva’s wealth and crazy/rich Dad. I also want to ask Sonja what really happened with her marriage to the older gentleman and why she



+1 Unless they skimp on the cheese, then it’s just a ton of cheese on the top for 10 minutes then 30 minutes of dry-ass chips. But with a large Coke with extra ice, it’s all worth it.

I don’t imbibe, but don’t blame weed. That looks like some long term Oxy use to me.

Tell that to this greedy f*cker...

What the what!?

Exactly! Oh, and grave robbery is still a thing:

It was Nico Fanjul’s house. Think about the whale she let get away re: his family’s sugar billions. She probably can’t move on thinking about all that cash that slipped through her fingers...She should go to Texas and look for a divorced oil man who loves blondes; They’re a dime a dozen.

Great mugshot, though. Do you think her family will be blackballed at The Everglades? Is this a scandal or just enough to get people talking now that the season is ending?

Kind of sad but juicy...All hell, with her money she can pay someone to empathize.

Dude, speak for yourself. I think only you “brought race” into it.”

They’re overgrown kids who were given everything and ran the country into the ground. They’re staring death in the face realizing they squandered the resources they were given and have engendered no goodwill the children they hoped would take care of them. Their final hope is their grandkids, but they’re too selfish

Sorry in advance for the hot take, but you really can’t go home again.

We don’t need another hero; Riley forever!

Um, no she’s not. Cute, but no Riley: