
Don’t be mean; It was a different time of no Fluoride and Depression era boiled and broasted food. Try to empathize.

With all that’s going on in the world, let’s just enjoy this “news” and the moment:

No frills, utilitarian, built to last. (Also describes my dream man.)

Seriously, 62 is my dream age! I hope I’ll be financially solvent, comfortable in my own skin, “old enough to know better,” take advantage of Senior Discounts, have a skin care regimen that works for me, am able to walk 2 miles for exercise and recreation everyday, and have absolutely no f*cks to give re: ridiculous

I call and raise you:

For some reason I pictured Jennifer Coolidge, whom I feel Heidi resembles.


I hate to be that guy, but it’s in Montgomery County (higher tax base, straighter teeth, less access to hoagies)

The water is good, but if the pipes are old...Yuck!

Thank you! And can we stop with the narrative that sex workers can’t be victims of rape or sexual assault? It makes my blood boil!

I’m at work and now have to walk away from my desk and take a breather by the copier...Thanks. (But yes, thanks!!!!)

And you missed by joke in return...Have a great day!

Still makes me sad after all this time....Count me out re: International Intrigue

I think it was the tone of the Tweet (mocking, more than a little flippant) that has everyone scratching their head. I’m not a huge Beyonce fan, but seriously, where was a Tweet addressing the garishly colored Kate Hudson clothing wear line? Fair and equitable treatment in the marketplace?

You’re being kind. “Some of my friends are a size 8.”

I just found this out! I would never eat one (I haven’t eaten at McDonald’s in 12 years) but I find the idea novel. We’re in the future!

Breakfast bowls!? Is that an West Coast thing? Is there kale involved?