
And I don’t recall the rush to find nice things to say about Marion Berry when he died, so...

I’m totally scandalized:

I know! If he goes there....(BTW: this meme helps by being cute and helping me cull the rage/frustration I feel for this man’s rhetoric)

You know good and darn well that really IS Tilda Swinton on some quiet art project or some sort of sabbatical, hiding in plain sight in your city (because she’s awesome like that!)

I think you’ve made some interesting and cogent points, I just wish the facts of case were less opaque in general. Was the prosecutor looking for a little extra shine in prosecuting a celebrity case? Perhaps. Did Reubens have questionable photographs and a shaky narrative for having them? Perhaps.

I just don’t understand the vitriol and the anger in defending someone you’ve never met, whom you don’t know/doesn’t know you. I’m not trolling or being snarky. I just don’t understand why you’re riding so hard for a man who, indeed, was a registered sex offender with a fairly odd narrative about being in possession


Let’s not with the false equivalents and ad hominem attacks...

That aside, take emotions out of it and switch the person from a beloved figure from our childhoods to a public figure we don’t particularly like. Would people be able to explain away the “nude families” etc. in the “collection” so easily?

I realized later in life that the original show stage show was for adults (I actually did some research because I wanted to get to the bottom of why he gave me the creeps.)

Hmm, I never thought about that. Maybe his unease was palpable to me.

“Oozing with secret evil” articulates it perfectly! And it has nothing to do with one’s personal life or how many women she (allegedly) cheats with (okay, that was snarky and I’m sorry.) But there’s someone thing that, indeed, feels off about Ellen.

Sorry, but he has ALWAYS given me the creeps. Even before his arrest (I didn’t understand what happened and my parents changed the channel when the news story would come on) seeing this man always gave me a cold shutter and as a kid I refused to watch the show. Perhaps it was the Playhouse colors or the weird affected

eLove! Sop it up with a biscuit and turn that frown upside down!

You okay?

My bad, wrong row (nice loafers, though.)

So there’s Chip Kelly looking like an engorged tick ready to pop, and a 9/11 Truther rocking Gucci Loafers...I love these guys!