
What!? Oh my goodness re: the Valet story! (People’s sexual orientation is their business, it’s the cheating part that’s juicy. I feel bad for giggling, but I just did.)

Not a murderer, but a “let-drowner?” (Allegedly.)

Remember, he get’s back with his ex, then proceeds to flirt with a reporter played by NGW?

That GIF never gets old.

Nope, it’s time to go there...Sidenote: I followed Natasha’s career in the late 90's and in interviews she always seemed sweet, but a little sad. I know the National Enquirer is a tabloid, but their coverage has been interesting re: the entire Natalie Wood case. I always wondered why Chris Walken and Robert Wagner

Now playing

Lack of empathy coupled with alcohol and soccer game adrenaline. It makes one wonder where they’ll be and in what form the Karma Train will come for them...If you believe in that sort of thing.

Please read and thanks!

+1, but I hate you for it

+1 but feeling weird about it

Oh no....Hope you’re healing, etc. Hugs and “BOO Ted Cruz!”

Have people never seen “Midnight Express,” “Brokedown Palace,” or “Not Without My Daughter?”

Like this guy (who on the surface was pro-consent and anti-prostitution while secretly exchanging legal favors for sex with at-risk women?)

Right?! No family dynamic is perfect but something

Right! Let her ride it out. I hope she cast in every “witchy,” ethereal role Hollywood has in the next 5 years.

And can we just say that WorldStarHipHop is more than just fight videos and funny memes. Between this and the Sean Bell coverage back in ‘08 when very few media outlets were covering the shooting, they deserve more respect. (And their Twitter feed is hilarious!)

I find Grumpy Cat sums up my feelings on most news stories anymore...Meme away!

“Allegedly found.” While I believe the LAPD framed a guilty man, this story was fugazi from the beginning.

Good luck getting the idea past the “We hate outsiders” types. They’re super paranoid that if someone sneezes in their direction that taxes will increase. Coupled with the constant fighting about the Tri-County Parkway plans and the sheer “Southerness” of Manassas.

So, near the Mall in Woodbridge? And who’s going to prevent the carjackings? I bet some genius will suggest using the Manassas Battlefield “Because the land is just sitting there.” I know it seems like I’m using veiled language, but as a woman of color who lives in PWC I can attest that both are bad ideas.