
How about all the way out in Gainesville; Better yet, Warrenton! (Is that even NOVA?)

Is it wrong I’m kind of okay with the dismantling of all Zoos and the release of the animals back into the wild, even if they’re not from North America? If we’re truly the top of the food chain, we can let the animals work it out with us Thunderdome style...Let’s start with strategic releases near Sbarro’s franchises

That’s supposed to be a hamburger commercial.

Please don’t go there re: Shondaland...I need that Thursday fix of absurd storylines, great dialogue, and racy kissy times.

Did this person really harken back to a time of mass malnutrition and early death to prove their point? Yes, right now there seems to bee too much reliance or processed and convenience foods, but it’s no worse than those who could afford it eating fried oysters and clarified butter on a regular basis 11o years ago.

Remember when these two ads were released in 2002?

Challenging gender norms and social constructs are you? Hat’s off to you; Well done...

Excuse me, but don’t you know that boobs are only meant for male sexual pleasure? I even get weirded out by all that “Save the TaTa’s” mess. Until we have serious discussion about overall health for women (including cancers “below the belt” and intimate partner violence which make people feel “uncomfortable”) they can

Aren’t the ads similar to this VC ad? (Boob holding and all?)

YEEEEESSSSS! This made my whole day!

Bringing it up or not, it’s a thing. It doesn’t just “go away.” But thanks!

Everyone? Never heard that before. (No, seriously. I didn’t know “Everyone looks down on it.”) Um...Kind of a blanket statement.

I miss her voice...This GIF never gets old, though:

I live in NOVA and rarely listen to sports radio anymore due to the oozing, smarmy, self-serving regional sports radio hosts in this market. They appeal to the lowest common denominator “I bought a 500K house in the outer-ring suburbs and think I’m wealthy/I occasionally haunt the Metro going to Caps games twice year”

Stress. We saw this woman in unflattering light (literally - that courtroom lighting was terrible) everyday for almost 10 months. I’m sure we’ve all felt totally over it regarding a work project, and I think her frustration coupled with her pending divorce and the vitriol she received from the public took a toll.

Excuse me, but ain’t nobody got time for some First Nation Youth demanding rights or whatever...The Pandas don’t talk back and just want bamboo.

You win!

In theory, but the larger issue is that a venerated house like Lanvin has devolved to this:

The only thing that could have made the show worse would have been blasting “Smells Like Teen Spirit” or some other tone-deaf, 20 years too late/rehashed “Marc Jacobs did it better in 2003" garbage. And they ran Alber out of there why, exactly? I think the board thought they coast on the name and prior seasons of

Why do I smell Lanvin going the way of Escada? I predict a B-Movie actress or some kind of reality show starlet will be brought in as “Creative Director” in 3, 2, 1.....