Wait, why do we think he’s a white guy and not a light-skinned black guy? And isn’t our method of assigning him whiteness based on a single headshot, oh, I dunno, a problem with whiteness?
Wait, why do we think he’s a white guy and not a light-skinned black guy? And isn’t our method of assigning him whiteness based on a single headshot, oh, I dunno, a problem with whiteness?
“I don’t play golf and I don’t have a mistress.”
angry christmas song
I can’t get through this without sobbing my eyes out right now.
Here’s my new-ish fave sad Christmas song, courtesy of The Both (Aimee Mann and Ted Leo):
I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for Trump voters who get health benefits via the exchange or who receive Medicare/Social Security who seem stunned that the continuation of these benefits is now in real jeopardy. I feel sorry for everyone smart enough not to vote for Trump who will lose access to these…
I respect that you feel that way
Diana, your work is incredible and important and thank you.
Them: low
Melania fail in what??? In Paper napkin modeling?? She won’t even be in a White House. She has been replaced, by a younger model.
Cancelling an onerous and ineffective public surveillance program. Classic move of a tyrant. What’s next in wanna-be dictator Barack Obama’s mad quest for supreme authority? The peaceful post-election transfer of power as the Founding Fathers intended? Shameless.
As it turns out, national origin isn’t a good predictor for whether someone will be a terrorist.
people from “higher risk” countries
TOTALLY - “I am weak and servile and live to please you, big strong man” - until it’s time to step over his corpse.
everything from this year’s republican playbook is straight out of the narcissist’s emotional abuse playbook.
I had assumed she would win the position of running the Ministry of Truth in a... hmmm... what do you call it when you win something by a narrow margin thanks to arcane rules? Oh yeah, a landslide. Thanks Kellyanne!
Secretary of Gaslighting sounds like a great new name for her position.