
Cheese is hard to mess up. What the hell do you do to cheese in order to make it look like this???

wow this IS too far! Oh look he just happens to be wearing a trench coat. It's obviously catering to the degenerate trench coat mafia assholes still out there. This is just distasteful. It's like having a game were the protagonist is a klu klux clan member and you hang black people all day. This game just screams to

Only online, which is disappointing in my opinion! I love the idea of exploring a giant open world game with a friend right next to me, personally.

Also, one final thought: Is it just me, or is it awesome that blockbuster shooters are putting co-op multiplayer front and center these days? There's Destiny, obviously, and now Far Cry 4—which will allow you to invite friends who don't own the game into the action. For too long, it seemed like Gears of War was the

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who found the second half of this video to be unexpectedly moving....

I remember the golden days of Youtube when people made videos just because it was fun and not because they were trying to become rich and famous. *Sigh* Google ruined Youtube and everything is shit now. I regularly fantasise about purging Youtube's servers and wiping everything clean. No PewDiePie, no Minecraft

#StopGamerGate2014 is trending on twitter right now. It's not going to stop these assholes from harassing and doxxing people but if nothing else it's a good place to vent.

As long as we condemn them as a group and ignore them as individuals we make them weaker. Support diverse quality games, voice support to developers and reviewers who get harassed. If you have a disagreement with one, express it in civil tones. Do all that and you're on the right path to shutting the Gamergate shit

When I read her tweet, I don't hear it in that tone. I didn't interpret it at all the way you did. Like most of her stuff, it comes off as a flat statement of fact, yet people who hate her see it as something far more nefarious.

Wow, someone's projecting what they want to hear into her tone.

There's idiots, then there's......monsters. Fucking MONSTERS.

Wow. Really. You went there? "Look how smug she is!"? Is that how you feel about anyone who presses on in the face of death threats?

I don't interpret it as smugness. I'm no fan of Sarkeesian's presentation style, but in this instance, I believe that Tweet should be read as, "Seriously, the fuck. You're not going to shut me up, so keep trying."

In that—even if I disagree with her methods (though I do agree with her message, as she's been bang-on

this shit is out of hand.

Yeah, the Hulk Hogan thing was pretty shitty of Gawker. I agree that it's really not okay for them to have done that. But Jezebel and Gawker have different editors; despite what people may believe, Gawker isn't a monolithic entity run by one person.

Yeah, that's a pretty shitty comparison. One is a religion that wasn't founded on violence, the other is a group founded on the sole principle that women are horrible and should be vilified.

You will never escape them. The small toxic element will move where ever they need to, so they can continue to perform their brand of harm within the relatively safety of the larger group.

It might be time for a rebranding, friend. The term gamergate is toxic. If you're TRULY only concerned with journalistic standards within the gaming community, you're going to need a new name, because a few bad apples have spoiled your barrel.

Go on guys, tell me again how the whole MRA movement is just "people voicing their opinions". Go on, do it.

I hope they catch the fucker. It looks like the EXACT SAME person targeted a GamerGate female a few weeks ago, as well. I'd post the screenshot, but don't want to upset people, tbh.