
My dad got me into games to begin with. We still play online a lot. He'll play shooters, sports, racing games... pretty much anything that allows him to get started quick, without a story.

I doubt it will cover two games... It would require a lot of computing power to suspend one game and then use another. For comparison, Xbox One allows you to suspend one game, but use as many other apps as you want while it is suspended.

I bought an Xbox One first because I didn't want to take a gamble on shoddy gaming architecture and was interested in the exclusives. Still happy with my choice. I have a PC for high-resolution 4K gaming.

We've sniffed around a bit, but if Sony's got plans to make a Vita successor, they're keeping it close to the chest. Smart money might say they'll stick to the mobile market and their red-hot PlayStation 4, but you never know.

Nope. Definitely not. They don't support their handhelds well at all and I doubt it will happen with Sony attempting to become profitable. A new Vita would seriously impact their bottom line.

We're all gamers here. I'm personally glad I don't have to waste my time or my money on this now.

Less than a 24 hour glitch. Not a big deal. You haven't received a response because it's not worth their time, or yours.

I feel like it wouldn't even be fun to play a race where you literally can't see anything on the road when you know the AI won't be messing up a single turn.

Eh, she's young and hasn't had to think about it much.

No, no, no. Not liking the game makes you a snob. Not liking the fact that it contains LGBT themes is what makes you a bigot.

Agh, so excited for this.

I know what crushed blacks are, but this is not that. There are shades of black visible.

It's a feature of the firmware update which they state they did not have access to prior to launch. I even quoted that at the beginning of my post. That makes it completely unlike what you describe. The Netflix app is a third-party app. If you worked in a development environment, like I do, you would understand.

Video games were originally created to be fun. Who cares about being a pro? My dad plays games and has ever since Atari came out. He loves first person shooters, especially CoD and Halo. He doesn't always do great, sometimes he is 2 and 10 or 5 and 10, but he has fun. When he does even better than that, he's ecstatic.

All electronics should have hard reset and Xbox One and PS4 both do. I can't speak for WiiU because I'm not one of the 8 million who have purchased it.

Should we applaud them for taking their time to fix an update that obviously did not go through a thorough QA process? I personally think we should criticize them for releasing a faulty patch to begin with.

I'm loving the "Owner of a Lonely Heart" intro remix.

That would be great if they made it unavailable.

No, because as I said to another commenter, the issue isn't removing the free version. The issue is leaving a broken game on the Store. The game should be pulled until it is working and refunds should be offered to consumers.

I agree that it's sad for the developers. It's likely a shoddy QA job. I'm sure more than one head will roll for this disaster. But, it is a dick move, because the classy thing to do would be remove it from the store completely and offer full refunds to those who bought it. Instead, they're keeping it available. They