
Yes please I am on board 

Ok, I am so glad that the mainstream is asking the big questions! I have one too, and finally an appropriate format to get some answers: fellow caregivers of small children, what is your first experience with the song “Johny Johnny yes Papa”? Mine came about a year ago, with little baby the time, a google

Anyone said lick stick yet? Always hated that one


Omg thank you!

Great article! On this topic, does anyone remember the movie that (I believe) premiered on Netflix a couple of years ago? About a boxer/fighter who is also a pastor? It was soooo perfectly terrible and I would love to torture myself again but I can’t remember the title.

Yeah I love how she doesn’t cake on the makeup for the event. And that dress is really cute on her!

Soup snakes!!!! ❤️

Now playing

“You, me, and the boatman” by Quiet Company

She’s great! Thanks for introducing us to her!

You never know, could be Blue Ivy bidding on that vintage brooch you found at the estate sale...

Right? My stomach is like a floppy pancake after the last one, I actually thought the stretch marks were cool. Such a different recovery.

Skin is so elastic at that age...really wondering if there will be a wave of women deciding to have babies before they turn 20 cause the recovery is undeniably easier usually...

Having babies was probably the smartest thing that family has done. That last name will always be trending.

Yesss....and when the hoodies or sleepers have TAILS on them too....Holy fuck

Love me some Amanda Palmer.

I feel so dense! And yes, IRL. Or on the show, if she’s looking for a replacement...maybe my character will be obsessed with ferrets and that can be our next cafe’s theme...the health inspector can add a “quarreling neighbor” element...

Ha totally didn’t make the connection when I wrote that...better go watch it again... :)

Finally!! I have rewatched fleabag several times and am enchanted by Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s storytelling and raw characters. I kinda really absolutely want to be her best friend.