
That’s Rita Ora.

That was fantastic and disturbing. I tried to make it to the end but that is was too much Steve Harvey in one day! Gonna look up Vic Berger, thanks!

I feel like I’d be really into this if it was a thick book.

Melissa Meeks is definitely getting paid to promote the emoji movie, right?

And I loved the part about her spilling her tea. The contrast where everyone and everything is pristine.

Trump years.... yeah that’s exactly what it feels like...

I saw a “Bernie 2016" bumper sticker today and I audibly gasped when it hit me how slow 2017/Trumps reign as the biggest boy is dragging on...

Me and Earl and the dying grill

Mean grills

Grill, interrupted

Grills just wanna have fun

A grill walks home alone at night

Right? It’s so hard to get into routine with a new life in the house. And it’s hard to prioritize with so much chaos! Congratulations on your little one :) 

Those are gorgeous tomatoes! I’m just doing a 4x4 garden of tomatoes and lots of basil. I swear I have 100 tomatoes already! Still green and small though. When did you plant yours? I planted early May but still have another week or two before they start to be ready

Kathmandu! Katman for short :)

Maybe they named the girl Sir...that’s kinda badass

Ohhh that’s totally doable, thank you <3

Dear Jane,

Ok this has little to do with TV but I stumbled upon Brock Turner’s Twitter account a month ago. I think his mom runs it, it was used when he was incarcerated. He follows some really random people, including Lena Dunham. WTF? I can’t figure out why he or his mother would. My point is I wish she knew so she could tweet

Pregnancy can be total misery. If I had Kim’s money I would do the same thing. I’m surprised more wealthy people don’t.