It’s okay, he got help here...
It’s okay, he got help here...
I’m sure his agent is telling him to stay as far away from that topic as possible
In a Friday interview with New York’s 105.1 Breakfast Club radio show, Damon Wayans offered a long and stereotypical…
Here’s this guy’s posting history:
She’s actually half-asian but yeah.
I like a nice size in both length and girth, but if a guy is as girthy as a beer can it’s not my thing. I don’t need my mouth or vagina stretched out.
Sure the UK has lots of bad policies, but Gillick Competence isn’t one of them.
This software does not prevent the sending of pictures. It’s not a chat log. So it has absolutely no use in helping parents prevent what you’re talking about. The only way to do that, and I know, this is scary, is to sit down and talk about it. No technology in the world is a substitute for a good, trusting…
Josh Duggar totally used the internet to find and molest his sisters.
Yep, I’ve seen many instances where people are very upfront about their view that their children are “property” until they’re 18.
Thank you! It came to me in a drunken stupor.
Yeah :( I’m sorry you’ve been treated like that.
See this is precisely why I didn’t write what that poster wanted me to. Because you write one sentence that shows anything like that and it’s wildly misinterpreted. And it’s not your fault at all, there was only a sliver of meaning there, and seeing it through your eyes makes it seem far worse that I ever meant it.
There is a stereotype out there that people with DS are super loving, wonderful, child-like in all the precious ways... so this is a political maneuver to shame women/limit access (*ahem: HOW COULD YOU KILL A GIFT FROM GOD YOU MONSTER?!?!?!). What’s ignored is this very real reality: High-functioning people with mild…
By suggesting that Down Syndrome is a construct and not a very well-characterized disorder resulting from a well-defined genetic malformation you disregard over a century and a half of work. You disregard the suffering of countless families in the days before pediatric open heart surgery and surgical interventions for…
Obviously some children with Down syndrome are wonderful, adorable children
You just compared someone to a Nazi, but you want me to calm down? That’s amusing.
Nah cmon this doesn’t look like a shop (and I’ve seen a lot of shops in my time, I can tell by the pixels) and it doesn’t look like she’s wearing a whole lot of makeup. That’s just some serious baby skin.
And you assume his illness.