
How much to fuck the wookie?

My mom was a combination of the two, when I was a kid. She thought it was very, very important for me to do things for myself and to have chores, so I’d have to clean all sorts of stuff. She was (and is) also a neat-freak, so she’d always end up cleaning the thing I just finished cleaning.

Now, I just have mild panic

I forgot what this story was about originally and the Ukraine in the headline made me think this had something to do with Biden and Quid Pro Quo.

Now playing

Dungeons and Dragons doesn’t need a reboot. Those kids finally escaped Vengar thanks the power of precision Finnish engineering.

I didn’t get this bronze medal playing skeeball, honey.

Spider-Man should be in the public domain.

Why just one out of 13 should be easy!

Some of us old timers, and some new friends hang out at

Were you around for the trial AJ? That was pretty funny as far as I could tell as the posts whizzed past my eyes and down my screen to be lost forever more.

Maybe if they smiled more.

....and I can purchase a print of this where??

If Sean O’Neal were still around.

This just made my morning old timer! Isn’t it something? Our lives measured over the years by upvotes, which could be redeemed for goods and services.

Um, I thought the symbolism was actually pretty obvious around the White Walkers-global warming conclusion:

I find it ironic. My band has been around long enough to have seen the rise and fall of Napster. We’re really niche, so we don’t have national appeal or penetration out of a really specific novelty type market.

I think the ‘bloody organ dropped into a well’ was the rock that he used to kill his friend. And the fact the bodies ‘dropped’ when he pushed them out the door is because the ship had a propulsion system giving them constant acceleration. It gave them artificial gravity as well.

Other good PG-ish Horror movies:
