
And ignoring the fact that Knoxville got permanent brain damage filming this movie. Which... was featured in an article on here just a week ago.

11/22/63, Solid late-stage King, has a decent mini-series adaptation, but you probably did not see it. Has a better ending than most and successfully navigates several genres. It is a bit long, but so is most King unless you want to jump in with a short story, which is not a bad way to start, but maybe does not give

He was active at the Avocado, not sure if he still is.

Not to mention the shitty dialog they have to work with.

I thought that too, but when you lose that much weight there is usually a lot of excess skin left over. So I am guessing he is still trying to hide that. It is pretty clear he has always been very self conscious about his body.

Wow, I am surprised they still make this post. Try the Avocado or Tolerability Index Forum if you want old school avclub commentators.

Don’t forget Sonny Bono! Now we have to wait until 2058 for Spiderman. But a ton of big D.C. properties will enter the public domain before then (2034 for Action Comics #1)

“There could even be some modern resonance, as regular citizens are given prizes for reporting the contestant in the books, which feels a lot like a commentary on how smartphones/social media create a private surveillance web.”

Probably would have been too much foreshadowing of Jon and Dany to really work in the show though. She should have had one last devious plan involving the wildfire. A showdown between her and Dany where Dany calls her bluff and the city is destroyed. Of course Dany is blamed instead of Cersei which then leads more

It has been cycling down for years now. First came the required usernames, then the Disqus changeover. Each contributed to the decline of the commentariate and community. Of course the commentariate was always a small part of the site and did not factor overmuch into decisions about funding. It may even be that all

Season 8 Drogon > Season 7 Drogon so the comparison is a bit moot. Plus Smaug is how old? Drogon is a puppy. Balerion is probably a better comparison.

I think there is a certain amount of fatigue setting in. I don’t know if I can say a real drop in quality, just wondering how they can keep moving forward without making major changes like Archer has done. Both shows seem to have a limited scope and premise that makes it difficult to stretch into very many seasons

Agreed, now his last scene is looking like a regular wolf next to Tormund. He should be the size of a pony by now. The disservice done to the direwolves was a mistake. If they can make the Hobbits look tiny with some forced perspective, they could do the opposite with the wolves.

I don’t have any problem finding new bands that would never make the top of the charts. The big problem for artists is not piracy but obscurity. No reason to blame a failed business model based on artificial scarcity. Just use a different business model, look at LPs. My 13 year old daughter doesn’t pay for music (most

I am wondering if the Millennium Falcon ride at Disney will have a special roped off area for all the middle aged guys crying their eyes out. Kevin Smith’s description of stepping foot on the Falcon on the TFA set still makes me misty.

And we thought Fear would be interesting because it was supposed to take place during the initial outbreak, but that only lasted a few episodes. I think it would be more interesting to jump several generations kind of like the later books in the Passage series.

I imagine it would be like getting Tommy Wiseau to direct your music video, just sit back and enjoy the ride. Whatever comes out is sure to be unique and your music should be able to stand on its own.

And it is a pretty cool place. They have a variety of activities around the farm. We used to take the kids every year when we lived there.

First he flies in and fights Qui Gon until he retreats in a huffing mess, then he more than holds his own against two Jedi for a very long fight, and kills a Jedi master. After all of that a lapse in his concentration allows Obi Wan to basically sucker punch him. Sure his denouement could have been handled better, but