
Throughout BG3, the temptation to save-scum your way through scenarios to view the more interesting outcomes becomes overwhelming. Of course there will be those who will diligently refuse, ascetically accepting the plainest experience and priding themselves on this feat, but it’s hard to think of them as the winners.”

Hell, BG3 is actually REALLY good at making failure fun! We are discovering the game with a friend, and we hate to love the “Oh boy, here we go I guess”. But then the game goes crazy and we laugh and absolutely love it.

Also, most dice rolls are pretty easy to get? If you want better dice roll, better have someone with

Absolutely disagree. Failure is an integral part of the game experience. Always being able to win and take the best route is incredibly boring. BG3 isn’t about min/maxing optimal decisions, it’s about exploring the world, doing interesting things, and yes, failing to do interesting things. That’s part of the fun, you

Infuriatingly, there’s a much better system that could have been used: use the dice rolls to determine whether you see the interesting choices.

I know the tweet only says PS4, but the livestream said Vita as well.

If I’m going to drop 500 bucks on a console it’s going to be a brand new console and not an upgraded version of an already existing one.

Now playing

Arc Systems Works uses a heavily modified version of Unreal Engine to achieve that 2D look. If you’re interested, check out this GDC video detailing how they did it:

yeah I liked him too. Especially because there’s a neat little exploit you can do to get a ridiculous amount of money with his second rank ability:

And he gives you Charisma which you need for Makoto. He da real MVP

My friend called him “Anime Bernie Sanders” and I haven’t stopped thinking of him as that since.

get the fuck outta here, YOSHIDA is an Earnest Politician and was genuinely very touching and heartwarming

Makoto’s ranking here is accurate.

I’m dissatisfied by how limited it is. Though, honestly, I haven’t really tried to buy one since launch. I wouldn’t buy one right now, at least. I’m too busy playing Persona 5.

Yeah little stuff. Do you have to sit 3 feet away from your XBox One/360 or PS3/PS4 or worry about people walking in front of the screen causing a mid game disconnect? No. It’s 2017, a wireless controller shouldn’t need any kind of special worries like this.

Little things like expensive home electronics not working properly. You shouldn’t lose connection because somebody walks in front of you...

What? They are all commercially popular. Fuck, FFV sold more than XIII in Japan, ditto VI.

Let’s be honest, they likely skipped so much content in the game that it’s kinda pointless.

His schtick was funny to me the first time. I liked his WoW and Witcher segments, but this... made me want to punch myself in the face it was so unbelievably dumb.

Don’t preorder games does not extend to hardware. I always preorder hardware.