
I always thought that looked incredibly painful.

Despite many gags about the drawing quality of Captain Tsubasa, that manga have inspired many soccer stars around the globe.

Ha ha ha!


I’ll almost certainly pick up FF XV, as I’ve been a dyed-in-the-wool fanboy of the series since the first western release in 1990. I admit I fell off a bit during X (just couldn’t stand Tidus, or the linear nature of the game), came back for XII, hated XIII—and now adore playing XIV with my wife and her brother


As a man who has been with REAL women before, I can tell you i do not “hate” the female form, it just doesn’t need to be presented to me in a objectionable manner in video game form lol. You know, you can watch hentai on pornhub if you want sexuality in your anime. If there IS ANY amount of sexual references in my

The term ‘privilege’ doesn’t exist to shame people. You can be economically privileged as well. You can be culturally privileged. You can be educationally privileged. The term ‘privilege’ exists as short-hand for “you don’t know my experience well enough to lecture me on it”. A poor white person can’t adequately tell

Did not talking about racism end slavery? Did it help end segregation and push forward the agenda of the Civil Rights Movement?

Not talking about racism doesn’t make racism end. It just means that white people and POCs who are successful can comfortably pretend it doesn’t exist.

If we aren’t getting a game like the demo can we at least get a new franchise like it? That was an awesome demo, great graphics and potential gameplay. Combined with PlayStation VR I can see myself playing for hours (and crying in fear).

Wait, let me get this straight, you have to select two specific dialog options to ask why the character decided to change her name, and you are mad for her giving a 3 sentence answer?

I think there are probably several factors at play, not just being “casuals”. And I’m sure a pretty big one is that there’s a strong tradition of buying sports-related accessories and paraphernalia like trading cards and that sort of thing. It’s been going on for DECADES.

It’s 2016 not 1996, you can call them commentators.

Predicted lupe maneuvers : kick, push, kick, push. Coast.

Elyse was more than just a pretty face that took notes. She also abandoned that sinking ship months ago.

Absolutely agreed. No one did video reviews as well as GT. The rest aren’t even in the same league.

Agreed, they were the best video reviews hands down.


But like I said before, it’s just so much cheaper to make for the 3DS, so that’s a primary reason why the 3DS is getting so many more games. Those high sales (3DS is nearing 60 million units all time) just guarantee that any game can sell a decent amount, if not have a chance to sell a 100,000 units. The 3DS currently

*looks up from her Vita*

You leave out Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri? For shame.