
let’s not forget what Richard “Punchyface” Spencer tweeted right after the attack:

I just want to reply to all of you and say a couple things.

I’ve honestly never been more confused by a thread in my life. Mutliple antagonists, multiple heroes, identities in question...amazing.

Fundamentalism, in all its forms, across religions and cultures both, is a poison. Fuck them all.

Wow! Then I probably wouldn’t get married either! That is awesome!

In Canada specially Ontario, once you live together for 12 consecutive months or you have a child together, you are considered automatically ‘common law’ essential married without a marriage. As far as I understand it alots you most of the same rights as a married person. Both our names are on our mortgage and house

Thunder Bay is home for me, but I’m away for grad school practicum for the summer. That’s amazing! I’ve never met another Thunder Bay-er who reads Jez.

I’ve been with my partner as long, and we skipped the wedding too. We were not really comfortable with the spectacle and felt they were moee a declaration of ownership rather than love, which we feel is more private/intimate.

I agree with you 100%. That being said, I’m married. My husband and I got married after being together for 10 years when I was pregnant, because financially we needed his awesome insurance to cover my pregnancy and delivery (side note: I should not have felt pressured to marry based on insurance—U.S. healthcare has a

Fellow Northern-Ontarian here! Well, Northwestern-Ontarian. Nothing insightful that’s wedding related to say (except that your mother needs to seriously chill). Just happy to see representation!