
We’re probably due for a list of the worst VR experiences.

The PS4 supports the move controllers, so it could get a PS4 port. Everyone who owns a VR set has the hardware. =)

VR is probably the most likely, since standard motion control gaming is over. Unless they try to make a Switch version and a gun attachment like the Wii had. That’d be cool.

Exactly my thought. I’m much more interested in how he originally laid everything out and came up with the original sketch.

A problem I see is that DDLC is a lot of people’s first visual novel ever, and while it is a good game, I would never consider it a game of the year. There is something truly thrilling and incomparable to finishing your first visual novel. It’s not like finishing a book or a videogame at all, it’s like surviving a

What Remains of Edith Finch is a bittersweet game, but I love it.

It’s a balancing act

Oh, of course not! Apologies for misreading your tone a bit.

Some trains have toilets, so they don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

I’d love Valve to decide to launch HL3 not on the PC, but the Switch and claim that it’s the game changing experience they were looking for. Can you imagine the sheer PC Master Race rage? The internet would melt.

Have you ever seen the original Willy Wonka?

There’s some good stuff. You just have to go hunting. Off-hand, my favs are Downwell and Super Hexagon. Ridiculous Fishing, Colour Sheep, and Skiing Yeti Mountain are pretty good too. But yeah, the platform is definitely more catered towards strategy games/puzzle games. The Room series, Threes, Reigns have all given

If you’re into strategy games, there are some solid board game ports out there.

In case you don’t want to watch a video, I break it down in slideshows below.

*Costume designer shows Harrison Ford concept art*

Pat on the back to whatever teacher came up with this, my bet is it’s a Transition Year project but it’s way better for student engagement than the usual crap they do.

Screw it into the lower section off angle, so it looks like it’s either being eaten or is the tongue. Solved!

Ah man, so that vague patent photo about some manner of car that I’d never be able to afford anyways and could only ever hope to appreciate on screen has been turned into a vague video game photo about some manner of digital car that I’ll never have enough CR to afford and will only be able to appreciate it on another