I have this game... I don’t really understand all the mechanics right now... Or rather I feel like there are options I’m not taking advantage of. I can’t say I like it, but I do keep playing it.
I have this game... I don’t really understand all the mechanics right now... Or rather I feel like there are options I’m not taking advantage of. I can’t say I like it, but I do keep playing it.
While I’m the right age group, I don’t think I played the original. So I don’t have £25 worth of nostalgia to give it a go.
A company makes an unnecessary announcement stating that they absolutely not do the thing few people had speculated about...
I can think of one. But they may be too small. It's a good day to get double digits on a stream.
Well they kinda do. Fortnite Crew is a $10 dollar monthly subscription, and the battle pass adds up. That’s ignoring the other things you can throw your real-world cash at.
I can't believe I'm suggesting this, but this should basically be a live service game, right? Manage it like Fortnite and you have a constantly evolving game (which could update teams/stats etc in effectively real time) and try not to be too evil with the monetisation.
“while we were on lockdown, or working/schooling from home a lot more, they spent more money on video games. We saw huge profits as a result. Now that people have less free time and more options on how to use it, we're seeing a drop in sales. We're still incredibly profitable, but we need to see profits increase each…
But the frog never complained when the temperature went up by a single degree.
And remember you can James Kirk the simulation by hacking the computer terminal and giving yourself bonuses. It also includes a repeatable lock picking option if you're leveling up that skill too.
Dear Everyone.
Notbing stopping them from having two+ hot bars that be swapped with a button press. I play on console and would love this.
Blog post title is giving headache
Just because the bug wasn't fixed, doesn't mean it wasn't found.
I feel secure in saying it’s the price. I would love to have one. I know a lot of people who would love to have one. But it’s an impossible luxury right now.
I preface this by saying that I have multiple level 80 characters in WOW, but haven’t played in years.
Step 1: don’t pre-order games. You have a huge gaming backlog and the money you’d save by waiting for a sale is worth missing out on that bonus wrap.