ba dum tuss... I knew someone would go there.
ba dum tuss... I knew someone would go there.
“Watch hundreds of young Japanese amateurs get creamed by three pros.”
Like anyone would want to R her.
Take your star, you earned it.
This has always been projection. They’re far more fragile and more demanding of safe spaces free of criticism than even their most wilted stereotype of liberals.
Amazing that the people who were very vocally ripping the liberal “snowflakes” are now proving to be even more precious snowflakes.
Saints fans keep this up and maybe the players will start wearing paper bags so they aren’t seen near these morons.
Best part of this story . . . “intellectual enjoyment”
I had a job at the factory that makes hydrants, but you couldn’t park anywhere near the place.
But the cop only decided to press charges when Wright asked him for directions, unfolding his 1:1 scale road atlas.
Can’t be surprised when he’s said this:
+1 - The time is now.
Boo... take your star.
How do you serve a subpoena to one you cannot see?
When he decided to sell the car, he should have Cena lawsuit coming.
Take a fucking star you magnificant bastard.
I don’t see the issue.
We all want Melania to be a wealthy widow.
If that isn’t the most telling comment, and a microcosm of how so many rich people see the working class, I don’t know what is.