Derek Jeter's Taco Hole

Trump: I wanna repeal Obamacare.....I wanna wanna go to war with Liddle Kim...... I wanna.......

Don’t you fucking bad mouth the judge like that! Smails is a thousand times better than Trump!

Fuck, when is this Humpty Dumpty going to have his great fall?

As others have pointed out before, the National Anthem is not a dedication to the troops. It is for all Americans. And as an American, you can decide for yourself whether or not you need to salute that song. Anybody who doesn’t like your choice can go take their complaints to the Breitbart message boards.

It’s safe to say that she is attractive and smart. Being attractive does not make her any smarter but being smart makes her more attractive.

Because not everyone is such a twat.

Okay, I’ll bite.

What you are missing is the connection to the original problem.

The thing is, protests are symbolic actions, designed to point to a specific issue. Thus, it’s not Kaep sitting or kneel just for the helluvit, but to shine a light on police brutality and systemic oppression of POC by the criminal justice

Even worse, he decided to rub it in and gopher two

I have some words of advice to give to the horse. In times like this, look to the words of the wise prophet Soulja Boy and “Superman that hoe”.

At this rate they should be outscoring opponents 28-3 soon.

Losing 30 Rock is a shame. I love that show.

[holds it in]

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

HA! That damn rodent gets me every time.

Should’ve had Sage Steele host from whichever airport she was delayed.

That’s pretty much the perfect example of Lawful Evil if I’ve ever seen one right there...

Bless their hearts.

Emphasizing the “not” is Southernese for “fuck these guys”

After the Expendables, Crews is going to need his own treasury.