
This car is an interesting industrial case study in how much you can use your customers as beta testers. Between the pedal slipping, the wheel covers destroying tires (indicating less than a couple hundred miles of road testing before sale), bad build quality, etc, this has to be the single most unprepared automobile

The Court’s previous decision: “The president is above the law.”

The New York Times did some quick math, and it found that if you take Grand Central’s system and expand it across the entire NYC Subway, it would cost right around $5 billion.

It’s because in any other instance where this happens, the customer is given both their down payment and their trade in back. They sold his trade and pocketed the money when they should have given him the money they made off selling the trade.

Yeah, but you also say a lot of dumb shit, so are you surprised people don’t listen to you?

“Overlap in their fanbases” is evidence of wrongdoing? What is wrong with you?

Agreed. Also, Liev Schreiber plays a badass pretty well in general.

Username checks out.

Exactly. The only technology it’s showing off is the advancements in Selleys Spakfilla.

Those two deaths were a little surprising. The show went full Red Wedding on this episode.

No way, you’re forgetting about Who Framed Roger Rabbit!

Stopped reading at “granting them a peak.”

That sucks. I feel really bad for the tens of people who bought one!

Where was Helaena this episode? We got one teeny glimpse at her”

Look at me! I’m “experimenting with new technologies!” I’m an artist now!

Yes, AI generated artwork is shitty and unethical and any professional artist trying to pass it off as their own work deserves to be publicly shamed for it, but my question is isn’t AI generated artwork impossible to copyright? Last I checked, legally, copyrights only extend to works “authored by humans.”

You do understand that this is a perfect example of why people think AI is a bad idea, right? It makes people lazy and the product of lesser quality with mistakes such as the goddamn symbol for Superman getting mangled. Not to mention all the problems with loss of individual style and, you know, all the theft that

Ok, Airline pilot here...Just so many reasons this could happen hard to guess”

Her punishment is that the picture will be burned in her brain forever.”

Gotham City is my favorite comic book character. I enjoy Batman and The Joker (and wouldn’t complain if they showed up), but Gotham is what I get into. I genuinely dig Reeve’s version of this corner of the DC universe and I’m all in on this show.