Nah. If I wanted to spring for something this special, I’d prepare to pony up the extra coin for one with a clean title, unpunished engine (nitrous — really?) and properly fettled kit.
Nah. If I wanted to spring for something this special, I’d prepare to pony up the extra coin for one with a clean title, unpunished engine (nitrous — really?) and properly fettled kit.
You can get a better one for the same or less money. This one sold last year with fewer miles, no wash title issues, and no mods for the same money. Plus it’s the more desirable 3.2L/6-speed car.
I hate to break it to you, but if you wear a New York Yankees hat people think you’re a Yankees fan. If you drive a Nazimobile, guess what they think
If you don’t mind using your money to support nazis, then you should not concern yourself with it.
Enjoy your Swasticar.
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, but a bankrupt Nazi is a good start.
He made it gold, dude wants to crow over the plebs. He just didn’t count on there being so many of them.
Saying violence is never a good idea ignores that in a justified position, violence is the last resort. It should not be approached glibly, but to deny its power is saying the status quo cares for people and justice, and we know that isn’t the truth. But I digress.
But the wraps damage the truck faster than rust.
About the president using his power as the owner of beauty pageants to walk into rooms of naked teenagers? Or Drake grooming young girls? Both are widely reported.
Elon Mush is a fucking nazi and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money, ever.
“Democrats punish the corrupt, Republicans just consider themselves exempt from the laws”
The delusional weirdos this country is electing are more weird and delusional than ever. We can do better.
Jeremy Clarkson’s observation comes to mind “Owning a TVR in the past was like owning a bear, I mean it was great, until it pulled your head off, which it would. One day, it would pull your head off.”
So just make a list of the people in this world who are responsible for the most individual instances of things exploding in the sky in an unplanned fashion and put number one in charge of aircraft safety. Awesome.
Pretty simple.
the condoms thing was made up bs
The whole privatization theory of previously governmental controlled areas has proven over and over to leave said areas in a worse state.