
Based on your quoted text, they already tried to run it by their primary, who denied it because it happened “Abroad”. So, now the ball is back in Norwegian’s court. They say they won’t pay unless the couple tried to get their primary to cover it. They did try, and it was denied. So, now Norwegian needs to put their

The amount of outright lying exposed by cops since the invention of the bodycam is truly startling. They know they are being recorded, and yet still lie constantly and commit crimes, to the point that basically anything before, say 2010 or thereabouts, we should assume all the cops lied all the time, about everything.

Notice what he’s NOT doing — looking at/typing into/distracted by a phone. While wrinklies chartering a land yacht to procure produce via 50mph on a highway is sub-optimal, so are yoots going 90mph scrolling thru Insta and texting friends their party plans while balancing a hot venti and QT sando in their laps.

Yes and no. Kind of a hard thing to type out, but we import a lot of oil from Canada to be refined here and then exported while adding in US supply and supply from other countries. At the end of the day, “it is complicated” is kind of the best I can do. Essentially, we use tons of different oil types, not all crude is

Hard to think of a car I’d want more than this. Once you have that kind of money it’s A: monopoly money, and B: you’ll never lose money on this deal barring an apocalypse.

Interesting that in no way did I mention death. But given that I mentioned them- meaning whoever trump appoints to do his bullshit- would come for your family first- then you I guess made the next logical conclusion: That trump is exactly what I suggested. Maybe you should think more.

The grift in this administration is going to be mind-blowing. He and the first Mattress Pad have already launched their crypto currencies, and that, I’m sure, is just the beginning. Truly a sad new era for America.

The driver was right.

I always figured these were just the equivalent of truck nuts for semi drivers. Now I know that...well, they’re only 95% equivalent to truck nuts.

Aaaaaaand therein lies the truth. These “cuts” all look good on paper, until each Rep realizes that HIS constituency is about to get f#cked, at which point the cuts are unsupportable. Shit like “agriculture support” and stuff will NEVER be cut, because there are no more loyal GOP voters than farmers.

Do you tag Musk with links to your sweaty stanning or is it a hobby to try this hard? Either way he doesn’t give a shit.

One cannot discontinue a model that was never actually built. 

Reading is fundamental.

yeah, just ignore everything disasterous going on and don’t post about it because it makes you feel bad.

LOL, no.

There seems to be so much wrong with that Vegas Loop system.

Because they have zero idea what they are doing and like to think they know better, whilst simultaneously ignoring centuries of underground transit experience.

Digging the tunnel wasn’t a bad idea. Not laying down tracks and using an automated tram was.

I have no problem with anyone that wants to pour billions of other people’s money into a problem they are very unlikely to solve, so develop away. I have a giant problem with doing that on public roads with unwilling participants - EVEYONE ON AND AROUND THE ROAD.

So, if I’m reading this right... the suggestion is to wash the inside of your window with glass cleaner?