
That was Jordan Peele level of horror filmmaking in the last 5 minutes. Really felt spooked and really hoping next week isn’t another flashback. 

I don’t give a shit about TikTok. I don’t personally use it, don’t have an account, and in principle I actually agree with some of the concerns about data privacy.

I’m no pilot, but that seems like a whisker away from a hull loss. This was during landing, so even if the plane was traveling under 200MPH, if corrective action had been taken 1 second later, it would have game over for everyone on board.

Counterpoint: the automatic V6 isn’t “fun to drive” in any universe. It’s a ~3500lb brick. 

His family’s loaded, right? If he really wants to make something “outside of the Hollywood system,” it shouldn’t be that hard for him. He probably has a bunch of time shares he can use as locations too.

Ssssssooooo...Jeffrey Dean Morgan is just a hallucination to Butcher? Right? The show hasn’t outright said it, but his character is fitting all the Tyler Durden tropes. Morgan’s character is suspiciously never seen with anyone but Butcher, and every word out of his mouth feels cobbled from Butcher’s own subconscious.

That self lobotomy needed at least a brief reference in this review. I will allow Hughie escaping from the vent. I’m not sure when A train whisked him away but it was plausible enough for me. For some reason the bloody mayhem after Ice Maeve got lasered in two was less believable. I know skates are sharp but even in

I know that this show has always been about as subtle as a sledgehammer as far as satire goes. But the fiction is getting so close to reality that I’m genuinely not sure whether I’m enjoying it anymore.

The score to The Acolyte is 100% John Williams adjacent and treads no new ground. Your initial statement is ridiculous. Doing a song in a movie/show is different. And quite frankly, the coven chant for “Power of 2" was terrible. Embarrassingly poor lyrics from the writers.

Probably AI writing assistant decided the two are synonyms. 

Oh, great, the release cable can only be expected to work once. As if you have a problem with the cable/plug, it will only happen once.

it’s basing the tone a lot on the Trigun maximum manga which was a continuation of the series after the original magazine it was running in went under. it was a lot darker (like to the point of uncomfortable) and also has some of the worst action scenes I have ever read in a manga (at one point I genuinely didn’t

Well considering it’s free, ad supported, and comes pre installed on damn near EVERY smart tv it’s no surprise people are watching it.

Love to have one... yada yada yada... depends on how big my pocket-book is.

Another day, another bullshit prediction from the world’s richest con-man that won’t come true.

Now playing

I like bits and pieces of that live-action Watchmen series, but yeah, I was a bit disappointed that it just goes back to Watchmen fanservice. DC has this bizarre notion that the “heroes” of the Watchmen world are franchise-able. I mean, I do believe that you can make still something interesting from something borne

Osha and Mae were a product of a virgin birth: that Aniseya used her connection to what she refers to as “the Thread” to create the twins, while Koril carried them to term.

Man, remember a year ago when we thought DeSantis was a serious contender for the Presidency? Crazy times.

Elon Musk just tweeted that he’ll have it available by next year. 

XKCD handled this situation a long time ago, and it’s still the best response to “wormholes and other dumb shit that only works in movies”