
Huh. I’m upsettingly over 35 and I always thought the joke was just that the shirt was ridiculous, and made you look like a pirate.

You have literally no idea what you're talking about. This isn't the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.

I dunno, that just looks like an efficient use of the runway.

Too crazy for Boystown, too much of a boy for Crazytown.

Trolling is the most predictable of all human activities.

Yes, we should be informed if someone we’re reading about is abhorrent and odious.

You have a good eye! Some of those cantina props were reused for IG-88's head in ESB. 

Id say it looks like trash and would fire a filmmaker for turning in similar work.

Yord is not that; he is brash, quick to judgment, untrusting, suspicious.

Given the difficulties that the Cybertruck has been experiencing as a vehicle, I strongly doubt there are going to be many agencies that are interested in having them as patrol vehicles. They’d look fucking cool, but that’s about it.

Work in tech, can confirm. The focus is no longer on product development; it’s on financial manipulations that can boost stock value for shareholders.

It is probably not a coincidence that the legal fights between Disney and Florida faded away and got resolved very soon after deSantis gave up on his Presidential run and no longer had to appear to be Trumpier than Trump.  He’s just another Republican that doesn’t stand for anything and everything he does is just to

Not to mention, the San Francisco Bay Area has been battered by homelessness and drug issues.”
Which is more than proven to be exacerbated by right wing policies and can be solved by simply giving them housing.

Sacks ... simply wants to “hear Trump out.”

Maybe it’s me but I’m more worried at this point that they will draw out the story from Last of Us 2 longer than it needs to just to get more content.

oh get fu©ked. Hamas’ anti LGBTQ+ stance is not, or ever will be, an excuse for the genocide of an innocent population. And you’re trying to use it as a justification by bringing it up here.

very chill, non-reactionary response

Social media is his income. He probably makes enough in views that the fines won’t deter him.

Spoiler Alert:  CEOs don’t know shit about what’s actually going on in their companies.  None of them.  They get reports from people who get reports from people who do actual work.  They’re so many levels removed that the details are all, invariably, lost.

He’s also failing all of them by being stark raving insane, but that’s a different matter.