
The AI aspect of health insurance was definitely in the news prior to the guy getting killed, even if you didn’t know about it, and the shocking bit was that even though it was deemed to be incorrect in its assessment up to 90% of the time, UHC’s CEO decided to stick with it. All of this was public prior to the

Is it really so different? And no, it’s not “AI pop ups in my browser”, it’s AI being shoehorned into every product I interact with, for no good reason.

I guess what I mean by “pressured” is more “having them forced upon us”. Kind of how “AI” is being shoehorned into every product so we have to scroll past AI results every time we search and dismiss annoying pop ups every time we open Adobe.

It’s also the same public that was convinced to vote for Trump by Elon Musk’s 270 million dollar investment. Trump has already said he’s not lowering grocery prices, sorry. Killer autonomous cars aren’t a Democrat thing, they’re a tech bro (ie. right wing) development.

My guess is the public will be pressured to simply accept a higher fatality level as the cost of “progress” (that just so happens to line billionaires’ pockets).

With so many automobile companies committed to something that still seems pretty unattainable, and with Elon set to remove all regulatory roadblocks after buying his way into the presidency, my guess is that we’ll get some kind of “autonomous car” sooner rather than later, with the public just expected to accept the

I don’t think pay has ever been the driving issue keeping “good” people from becoming cops. With the generous overtime, cops can easily make 6 figures and retire with a full pension after 20 years.

Police departments actually actively avoid people who are “too smart”. Many depts reject applicants with IQs deemed too high, believing they’ll become dissatisfied with the job and want to leave.

Yes it’s so sad that these supercars will no longer be stored indefinitely in the garage of a dictator collecting dust.

$7000 for a 2007 Si? I had that exact car, in fact I’m not entirely sure that car isn’t mine.

The other difference is Elon is far and away the richest person in history, thus he has much more cash to throw around than even your run of the mill election swaying billionaire. He can singlehandedly change the course of funding with an amount that, to him, is a pittance.

When people have the level of money that is so high it isn’t actually comprehensible to the human mind, they can afford to piss away an amount that is miniscule to them but would constitute more money than a normal human being could spend in a lifetime.

So it seems like the people in the car weren’t seriously injured. But the article makes no mention of what THEY say happened. Did police not get a statement from the people actually involved? 

It might work if some of these grants actually happen, instead of putting the tariffs first and hoping it works out.

It’s not even as complicated as economies of scale.

This is true in a lot of industries that rely on imports.

Almost like it’s not actually designed for the Apocalypse or Mars, but designed to grift saps out of their money.

Isn’t this Erin Brockovitch type shit the stuff people used to go to jail for?

I’m not a mental health professional, but I worked among people struggling with mental health issues for the better part of a decade, and there comes a time when someone is engaging in behavior that is an immediate danger to themselves or others. And in those times, the situation needs to be triaged, and what matters

Yeah, wasn’t there a story not all too long ago about a door plug flying open as well?