
So I played Pokemon Go since day one, and had played pretty consistently until around 2023, when I took some extended breaks and finally stopped for good around 8 months ago.

I know the obvious answer is obvious, but it’s SO obvious that it’s really a moot point. Nothing else even comes close.

Well then I guess we just take the word of the person who tried to extort him then!

Given that he recorded the incident, scenario 1 seems unlikely.

Yeah I’m sure we can trust that he was late, given that the source of that information is the person who was trying to extort him for $50 to allow him on the plane.

Actually, now that we have a final count, he got slightly less than 50% of the votes cast. More than Kamala, but less than half.

I actually paid for my most recent car almost entirely by check. I had a pretty big windfall from selling a house and buying a cheaper one, and used that money for a WRX. It was very weird to write a check by hand for over $30k. But I did. I say almost entirely because I had paid for the deposit a few months earlier.

I don’t think those laws really matter if they ever did. I fully expect the response to this to be “what are you going to do about it?” to those who oppose it, and in a situation where the courts, house, and presidency are all Republican, nothing will be done.

Elon also said his cars do just fine at combusting into non-extinguishable blazes on their own.

He apparently literally JUST SHOWED UP AT A POLLING STATION IN THIS CAR. He is just out there driving it around.

Biden didn’t go after Musk, neither will Kamala.

I know they fire chicken cannons into the engine turbines, but didn’t know about the windshields.

While he should certainly lose his citizenship (and more, particularyl his government contracts) as it seems both he and Melania Trump lied and worked in this country illegally, it is ridiculously unlikely this or anything will happen to him.

My understanding is that once they file to move the case to Federal court, that automatically moves it to Federal court, who can then decide no, this is a state matter, and kick it back. But this is basically a delaying tactic from Musk, meaning that once the motion to move to Federal is filed, it basically means the

I’ve been egged a few times, my dad was a teacher and that made his students mad at me back when I was 17 or so.

If you’re able to slash prices that much, some might say your product is absurdly overpriced.

It’s like the Justice Department decided it has to freeze all actions leading up to an election, with the “leading up” period being the better part of the year, so crimes are just good to go because any actual accountability for actions might be construed as “showing favoritism”.

According to the article he agreed to turn off Starlink in Taiwan at Putin’s request as a favor to Xi Jinping so y’know...seems pretty clear cut.

That looks like a god damn possum.

Call me crazy but you shouldn’t NEED to be able to trace specific security leaks back to Musk to take action. Regular communication with a hostile foreign power should be enough to forfeit government contracts.