
At least in the US, Tesla prices were originally at “luxury” levels and “regular” folks couldn’t really afford them. Tesla has done some very public price slashing in the past couple of years, with the express purpose of selling more cars to juice the profit reports.

So it seems like the profit is coming DESPITE Musk, not because of him. Most of the profit seems to be generated from increasing sales due to lowering the price, including on the Cybertruck, which really is not a sustainable practice (and honestly just goes to show how massively overpriced these cars were to begin

Did you miss the part where Tesla (an OEM) is selling these, and even partially installing them (leaving just the “last mile” to third parties that THEY recommend).

The character’s name is Bladerunner, not Deckard.

Musk is just not a creative person. He names his robot “Optimus”, he designed a truck that looks like something out of Timecop “that looks like something Blade Runner would drive”. Of course he steals his entire aesthetic from existing sci-fi. He has no respect for creativity and has none of his own.

I loved the second generation Mitsubishi Eclipse, specifically the 1997 facelift version. I thought it was just the most beautiful car in the world. I never got to drive one, but from everything I read they were not terribly reliable or great cars in general.

Technically that’s true, but I’d rather a cop had to personally pay than the department just using funds from the city to pay for cop misdeeds.

But do you remember they exist?

The only thing I’m really interested in here is how 3 barns worth of cars becomes “forgotten” by anyone, especially when the people who made the video apparently know the person who owns the collection?

Aries K Cars might have been boring to look at, but the one my buddy had was not boring to drive. One of the rear doors wouldn’t always latch properly, so you had to remind passengers in the back to hold on to the handle so the door wouldn’t go flying open on wide turns. Also, if you put it in Drive, it would just

I’m glad it seems like investors aren’t falling for the snake oil as much anymore, hopefully that sticks and people with money are finally starting to see what most of us plebes have seen for a while - Musk is a rich guy charlatan.

I mean, if you’ve ever dealt with bed bugs, it’s a little different than bees. A few bed bugs can quickly cause an infestation that is very difficult to get rid of. Not saying a passenger couldn’t have brought it on board, but it’s definitely something an airline should want to clamp down on quick and isn’t “just some

How bout a trade - cops can punish me for the crimes of a car dealership when cops start paying for their own fines personally instead of using taxpayer money.

I had completely forgotten she existed.

Welp, Elon said he expects to sell 8 billion because there’s 8 billion people in the world, so he’s assuming everyone will have at least one, from the richest weirdo to the poorest street urchin, somehow they’ll all have their own $30,000 robot. 

CandidateS, plural? You sure about that?

Elon thinks everyone in the world will have 1-2 Optimus robots, as in literally, he said he plans to sell as many Optimuses as there are people in the world.

Are the dummy “shut up and take my money” investors finally done being convinced by Musk’s vaporware promises? At long last are they actually able to recognize a con man doing an obvious con? Somebody slap me I must be dreaming.

“And yet you participate in society! Curious.”

Just dress a guy up as a car and have him run around, like they did with the TeslaBot.