The internet was a mistake.
The internet was a mistake.
The chicken driving the egg car is arguably weirder.
“The Chevy SSR. Unnervingly ugly, not good at anything except acting as a callout to other drivers that you make poor decisions. And in convertible form, it just looked worse.”
My guess is that, since the cell phone used belonged to the adult in question, the legal assumption is that an adult agreed to the terms. Based on the language, it seems like Uber’s use of “while using her [the mother’s] cell phone” was intended to say “you can’t prove your daughter agreed to the terms since it…
There’s literally no other reason for them to exist other than to protect large corporations from actual legal consequences.
I don’t really understand what the connection between car seats and low birth rates is meant to be here. Is it that they’re too expensive?
More and more these days, it seems like the only accountability for these rich assholes is their own hubris.
I read another article where the union describes a “culture of fear” at Tesla that is causing workers to feel stressed which has led to a lot of the sick leave.
If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?
Everyone is avoiding the obvious choice by name so just put me on the record for saying Cybertruck is the clear and obvious choice.
I think looks was probably the only thing the SSR had going for it. I didn’t like the looks but at least it was retro and had some style.
Counterpoint: No.
I feel like we’re a couple months out from some techbro hypeman claiming he can solve the coming Air Traffic Controller problem with AI, and at that point we’ll all be doomed.
“Domestic industry relies on global supply chains” - I think this is a huge thing that people don’t understand. It doesn’t really work to try to put this genie back in the bottle.
There’s this idea that all Trump supporters are rabid MAGA freaks that hang on his every word. But the truth is a bit more sinister. While those loud unhinged supporters are the ones you hear about the most, the truth is a lot of so-called “regular” “normal” folks also support Trump. Many of them are just not as…
News outlets don’t appear all that interested in printing them either.
Ah, right. Thank you
Is NAFTA still a thing? Feels like that would kinda go against NAFTA.
You have one Cybertruck. I’ve seen more than one. Thus my anecdotal experiences trump your single anecdotal experience. QED.
We’ve tried everything, except paying people what the job is worth, and we’re all out of ideas!