At least when it’s wrapped the misaligned panels and irregular, awful-looking stainless finish is hidden.
At least when it’s wrapped the misaligned panels and irregular, awful-looking stainless finish is hidden.
Yeah, Apple, Google, Microsoft also suck. What else is new. I didn’t mention any of the stuff you said because Tesla barely mentions it. When they want a stock bump, Tesla increasingly falls back on those so-called “pie in the sky” claims.
Honestly considering there are only 12 of the cars in existence I’d expect it to cost a lot more.
There are at least two CTs in my city, possibly more. I know there’s more than one because I’ve seen one wrapped in black, and another that’s the base stainless steel finish.
Judging by the CTs I’ve seen in my city, it seriously only take a few weeks for it to look like said gas grille.
It doesn’t look exactly the same - the actual stainless steel finish looks like shit. The finish is inconsistent between panels, and they often develop a green or brown sort of scummy patina on them. There’s a Cybertruck in my city that I see every so often and the stainless steel finish in person looks godawful. It…
Tesla was a car company but now it appears to be trying to transition to a vaporware company that continues to pump its stock price by promising things that it cannot deliver, whether it’s a multi-function humanoid robot that every single person in the world will own, a full level 5 self driving system that actually…
You don’t think a car company CEO of one of the largest automakers on the planet being a completely unhinged weirdo is newsworthy for a car site?
Scratch the surface even a little bit and every single “Undecided Voter” is just a Republican who wanted to be on TV.
Last I heard it was pretty difficult to even get insurance for a Cybertruck, considering its long list of documented problems, most insurers want nothing to do with it. Also, it doesn’t look hit from the photos, looks like something happened internally. I’d expect some body damage if it had been hit hard enough to…
I genuinely believe that, while a lot of idiots DO actually support Trump for some reason, the race only appears to be neck and neck because 1) the news media wants a horse race and refuses to cover Trump in any kind of critical way, sanitizing and filtering his actual words into something that seems more palatable…
I really don’t get it. Like, how can anyone support Trump (in general), but also how can you support this guy in charge of government spending, a guy who vastly overpaid for a social media app that he proceeded to directly tank the value of. He is very publicly not good with money. As someone who never had to worry…
Maybe I’m a huge dumbass, but like...what if it’s cloudy? If a satellite directs sunlight to a spot that is covered in clouds, what’s to guarantee that the sunlight can penetrate the cloud cover?
Arresting the parents might not be the best solution, but holding them responsible for the financial cost of damage to the property that results from the thefts/break-ins might actually get somewhere.
If he’s causing damage to the property, can’t the parents or guardians be held at least civilly responsible for the financial costs?
I’ve loved this thing ever since the Gran Turismo games. The road version is beautiful.
What adorable little guys
It was an interesting looking car, but you saw so many of them it became bland. This is one of those cars that was everywhere for a while but probably aren’t found anywhere outside the junk yard these days.
Imagine if any other car had this level of frequency of stories coming out about shoddy construction / safety hazards / car just straight up not working. It’s like 5-6 a week at least.
While I think your comment is spot on, I would also say that it’s a lot easier to make self-flying planes because, other than inclement weather, the skies are pretty clear. There’s a lot of sky up there, and air traffic is designed to ensure that planes keep a wide berth between them. It’s (obviously) a completely…