
It’s certainly nothing new to have add-ons, but the idea of charging for every little thing and taking features that were advertised as being part of the ticketed experience and removing them to an entirely separate experience/facility to this extreme level is new.

I balked at the four hour run time but I watched the video throughout the day on Sunday as I cleaned my house, and it really is worth sticking it out til the end.

Fuck’s sake dude, it’s a comment on the internet. You’re not paying me, or grading me, so why don’t you calm it down a little.

Right, celebrities doing interviews should just say shit like “I thoroughly enjoyed the movie I was a part of that you are interviewing me for. I have nothing further!”


The comments are a welcome relief after reading that “review”. I thought I was going insane thinking “is there going to be any actual discussion about the movie in this movie review?”

I think Neeson got a bad rap with that particular incident, although I can’t speak to him vouching for Spacey.

A guy drove one by the bar I was hanging out at the other day and someone shouted at him “You can’t park that thing here!” sarcastically.

Yeah, the allegations that he’s choosing to use an old school/analogue way of making a film rather than a quicker digital that supposed to upset me?

Amy Winehouse was extremely popular when she was alive. “Rehab” and “You Know I’m No Good” were all huge hits, and she had many other well known songs including “Back to Black” and her cover of “Valerie” with Mark Ronson.

Of all the things not to spoil, a recasted role seems like an odd choice. I’ve seen the AV Club straight up spoil things in a header image.

He really doesn’t. Tesla has pretty much stopped devoting efforts and resources to any kind of innovation or new products. They dumped everything into the disastrous Cybertruck, and now Musk is just trying to squeeze as much out of the short term as possible to justify his ridiculously inflated compensation package.

That hair guy just looks like the top of someone’s head who’s looking down into their camera lens. It looks a bit elongated but that could just be a distortion from the lens taking the photo of Rihanna. It’s nowhere close to the usual mishmash of background horrors you find in most AI images.

Actually the US government has explicitly decided that non-Jews DO get to tell Jews what is and isn’t anti-Semitic.

“Stop voting with your wallet and taste” okay, what am I supposed to be voting with here?

The movie’s conceit is really that a guy can afford to live in LA (even in a shabby apartment) when his job is just cleaning a single pool?

Most of them look fine, especially in the Rihanna pic.

Not really.

Not continue to give them weapons UNCONDITIONALLY. We put conditions of most of what we provide other countries, even allies. Not Israel though they just get whatever they ask for? The US could support calls for ceasefire, or at least put pressure on Israel to even attempt a negotiation.

I feel like these fall a bit more into the “digitally altered” than pure “AI”. There’s some funky shit going on with the hands of the photographers in the first Katy Perry image, but by and large these are far better and lack the typical obvious “tells” of AI pictures, where you can pretty easily call them out because