
You might think so, but it’s not like any of the information about that is new. We all knew Drake pulled a 16 year old on stage and kissed her AFTER confirming her age. We all knew he corresponded creepily with the likes of Millie Bobby Brown and Billie Eilish and others in classic groomer fashion. Though as far as I

Yeah, even Drake’s nominal defenders seem to struggle to name any albums he’s done that would be considered “classics”, but as long as he keeps putting out bland singles that get major club play he’ll continue to have a career.

Plenty of rappers work with mainstream pop artists.

While I’ve enjoyed Kendrick repeatedly beating Drake worse than Homer beat the Krusty Burglar, I’m skeptical it will do any lasting damage to Drake’s career. Kendrick is a rapper’s rapper, whereas Drake is more of a pop star. He (or rather his ghostwriters) write rap that Taylor Swift fans can enjoy.

Count me among the tired. Each successive season of this show just gets bleaker and bleaker. I get enough of the seemingly futile fight against encroaching Fascism in my normal everyday news intake.

Entering his Jonathan Pryce era.

I know that beach resort! Never stayed but my parents retired to Vero so every time I visit they always take me to the restaurant that you’re allowed to make a reservation at even if you’re not staying there.

There was so much half-assedness in the movie, even though I ultimately enjoyed it, there were so many changes that they tried to make at the last minute and the “fix it in post” mentality is on clear display. 

I appreciate parts of some of the movies, and Days of Future Past probably has the most parts I like, but I really don’t like how most of the cast is just there to do things and they don’t really even establish what the powers are for the background mutants. They just wanna be like “Warpath is there! And also Bishop!

I gotta love this article for trying. Velma still sucks, but at least this time it KNOWS it sucks and says “fuck you” to the people who say it sucks.

I would agree with the basic premise of this, but while the show has been very good, I think it’s just not a high bar to be the best X-men adaptation of all time, because most of them leave a lot to be desired.

Yeah but then it wouldn’t have a flashy name that evokes the futuristic idea of a fully self driving automobile, which is what Musk obviously intended. Something that sounds like glorified cruise control (because that’s what it actually is) doesn’t turn heads like “Autopilot” and “Full Self Driving”. The whole point

“I have been kicked out of show business” says person performing a comedy show to a sold out crowd.

He also voiced the Goblins in that 1970s Hobbit cartoon I grew up loving so much.

I know Thurl Ravenscroft was the voice of Tony the Tiger, but did he ever actually dress up in the suit? Feels like he would literally never have had to do that.

I wanna say based on user name it’s got to be satire. “Guy WHOSE Always Right”? I mean it’s impossible to tell who’s being satirical and who’s just an idiot these days, but I dunno.

I remember reading something recent about it and I was like “no, this didn’t actually come out, did it?” It turns out it did and I maybe even saw it? But it was so unmemorable that almost everyone has just wiped it from their mind.

This touches on my feelings as well. Blood Meridian was a hard book for me to get through. I’d read a bit, it would get meandering, I’d wanna put it down, but then suddenly I’d get totally drawn into a passage that just described something in insane levels of detail that would bring me right back into it. Not sure how

I always pictured the Judge as a large, menacing man, not so much of a fatherly figure like Brimley...I imagine someone with the physicality of Dave Bautista.

I’m sure he thinks it does.