
Tweeting takes up most of his working and non-working hours.

Ah ok, I saw the movie once, and don’t remember this line.

“The Movie Critic was reportedly set to reteam Tarantino and Brad Pitt, who previously won an Academy Award for playing a stuntman who is as real as a donut, and surprisingly, he was going to reprise the role.”

It’s hilarious that Elon’s entire PR campaign is just massively overpromising and massively underdelivering, and that seems to have skyrocketed Tesla’s initial gains (and is how he seems to be justifying his $56 billion payday). But the truth eventually comes out, and Elon can’t help being a massive dipshit, which is

I didn’t finish the movie because it was bored, but after several scenes of going to a place and talking to someone, I suddenly realized that there was only like 20 minutes of movie left somehow.

Snyder’s recycled efforts were most apparent during that movie’s space-cantina recruitment scene”

“Why would anyone feel uncomfortable interacting with a cop unless they’re guilty of a crime??”

“Lotta ants” was my favorite. He was probably the best part of the movie, just kinda ambling around, mumbling about ants.

I don’t think he’s talking about Timothee Chalamet. I think he means more YouTubers and TikTokers and other such “influencers” who are “famous” because they do a dance or model a piece of clothing.

Ah but unions give a modicum of power to the underclass, and lets them have a voice, however small, against the oligarchy. Thus, every action must be devoted to crushing it.

I think she had a role in one of those right wing produced movies about Hunter Biden, as kind of a narrator/ambiguous spy lady, and it was universally reviled because her physicality really wasn’t involved in the role and it involved a lot of speaking.

Bring in Caroline Calloway and I can’t think of a better place for a small meteor to strike.

If I’m reading this correctly (and I’m not sure I am - I’ve never heard of this person so I’m kinda lost on this whole thing), Oyler’s whole reason for being known is that she writes negative reviews about other authors?

It’s insane to me that recent court documents have revealed that not only does Elon send hundreds of tweets a day via his main account, but he has used multiple burners, many of which he uses to comment the same type of bullshit laugh-cry replies he uses with his main account. So hundreds of tweets on main isn’t

It’s weird that saying “30,000 dead, many of them civilians, is a bad thing, and maybe we shouldn’t indiscriminately kill aid workers” is considered controversial by some people.

But it has “queer sensibilities” has a cast featuring women, and uhhhh some gay people seem to like Dakota Johnson? Queer!

I mean, yes I agree 100%. Not sure why you started with “No”.

Elon Musk is not a typical CEO. He bought one of the biggest social media platforms at a vastly inflated price just to have his own personal sounding board to make people listen to him. He’s in the news just about every day, touting Great Replacement Theory and other far right conspiracy theories. Most automaker CEOs

Eilish is still young I’d think she’d know by now that every single statement she makes will be taken out of context and twisted for maximum clicks.

The problem, as I see it, is the tech bros all took the AI roast out of the oven WAYYY before it was done, and now every business is pouncing on it because they want to stop paying workers to do things that an AI is supposed to be able to do.