They don’t even know what chili is, so this does not surprise me.
They don’t even know what chili is, so this does not surprise me.
Okay, good luck with that when we’re reviewing holding on every single play.
If these officials and leagues can afford to get things right, the NFL can afford to make their officials full time. Perhaps that would lead to stronger officiating and less mistakes.
You had Mrs. Stickney too?!
I despise the whole “This organization is run by old white men” line of thinking for so many reasons, but mainly because people saying it are lazy thinkers.
This logic is totally chill and awesome if you never leave your house or simply don’t care who you might infect should you get influenza.
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Saw so many of these at the ER and Urgent Care when I was interning in AL/LA/MS/FL. The way we would remove these if the point was sticking out:
how will biscuits show you temperature swing?