I’ll bet the database of cock-n-balls is vast.
I’ll bet the database of cock-n-balls is vast.
Not totally relevant but a PSA for some.. Braggs “soy sauce” is not a low sodium alternative to traditional soy sauce. They fudge the serving size to make it look that way. Most soy sauces use 1 tablespoon for serving size. Braggs uses 1/2 teaspoon. 1/6th the serving size. I only bring this up as I had a relative on…
When I used to live in Vegas I went to play poker twice. Both times I would blush really bad when I would get a good hand, but not when I would bluff. I would win maybe one or two hands early on and never another one once everyone figured it out.
That’s not a spatula, it’s a turner. Courtesy of my 1987 Home-Ec teacher Ms.... Something-or-Other....
They changed it. There is a new soft ban where Pokemon (or as I like to say to piss off my kids - pokemen) flee after one toss but the pokestops still work as normal. I’ve been using bots a lot just to fuck around (I have one real account without using any cheats and I never battle with the bot accounts) and if you…
Will this allow you to put in multiple destinations and the app will tell you the best order to hit them all in the shortest time? I don't have an android device to just test it on my own.
I do not get brain freeze. In fact, it wasn’t until recently that I learned that brain freeze is really in the head and not in the throat(yeah I know it should have been obvious from the name, I just assumed it was a figure of speech). My throat does get super cold and will hurt if I go too fast and I always assumed…
This “don’t tell a woman what she can or can’t do with her body” doesn’t hold up. A woman can’t punch someone at random (it’s her arm swinging and her first clenching) she can’t kick people at random or put certain substances in her body, etc. There are plenty of restrictions on what men and women can and can’t do…
You know the criticism you bring up goes both ways, right?
No one is forcing you to buy or own a car therefore no one is forcing you to purchase car insurance. Even if you “need” a car it’s still a choice you can make. And even if you do decide to buy a car some states don’t require you to purchase a product to prove financial responsibility. You can self insure, get a surety…
You are not required to purchase car insurance as you are not required to own or drive a car. Even if you do choose to own a car you don’t always have to purchase a product depending on state laws. As a condition of existing you must enter (or be entered if a dependent) into a contract with a private company to…
You can not care all you want, it doesn’t make you correct. Acronyms do not have to be pronounced using the same sounds as the words that make it. GOES satellite? SCUBA? (Unless you pronounce underwater as “oon”derwater. LASER (the e).
It still doesn’t change the fact that you agreed to a commitment and now want out of it because it’s not as rosy as you thought it would be. I sincerely hope you and your spouse take your commitment to each other a little more seriously.
So you had no problem signing on the line for a loan when you thought it was in your best interests. Now want others to pick up the tab because you either made a bad or poorly informed choice. You’re also making decisions about tax filing to further help absolve yourself of your commitment And place the burden on…