I’m eagerly awaiting the greys that will come from the general Beyonce-centric internet once this review is up for a few hours.
I’m eagerly awaiting the greys that will come from the general Beyonce-centric internet once this review is up for a few hours.
To me Thor and Star-Lord are different characters, so if they seem the same that’s a failure on the part of the writing.
As in Infinity War, if Thor’s on the ship, Starlord is rendered moot. Thor’s funnier, stronger, better looking, and has actual powers. At this point, Starlord is a bro with flying shoes and a pew-pew laser.
I really hope Thor is in the third movie and don't really care what they call it
the macarena was #1 for 14 weeks, enough said
The last one made $1.2 billion worldwide.
No one - not Taylor Swift, or any other rich, white, conventionally attracted white woman - is entitled to a number one spot. “Blocking” and “kept out” are both phrases that implicitly give ownership or the rights of a place to someone - and Taylor Swift does not “own” the number one spot.
Ten year old me would kill adult me but I find it hard to get excited about new Batman movies now...
I don’t think the earnest enthusiasm (the first few words of the tweet) is the issue here. His claim that the shot should be taught (??) in any film studies class is a bit silly and perfectly worthy of some tame, mild mockery.
There is no internet culture. There’s a worldwide electronic data network that is infested with a collection of misfits, bigots, idiots, overgrown children, slime, criminals, cowards, bullies, and jackasses.
I’m so very tired of internet culture.
Seriously, the entire population is full of goddamn babies. I really wish all these dipshits would put their energy into something constructive. The world is burning around us both literally and metaphorically and all anyone cares about is that their head canon comes true.
Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.
RIP James Avery. That one still hurts every time I remember it.
Seth is great, but I really don’t think it’s productive to give people like McCain a platform to double-down on the dumb shit she says. If you want to have her on to promote a charity or something, or doing a segment about the shitty thing she says without her as a guest, both are fine. But this? Not so much. Not to…
They’ve been mostly great and I’m not going to pretend I can even understand the grind of a major motion picture marketing tour. They can say whatever the hell they want for what they’ve given me through hard work in their performances. The money they make is their business.
Seems to me it’s entirely possible to find attractive women who can also serve food. Thousands of other establishments have unlocked the secret, Playboy can too.
Well, I won’t even WATCH movies with a white dude in the lead.
BREAKING: Internet Still Contains Hateful Morons, As It Has Since Tim Berners-Lee’s Racist Lab Assistant Posted A Crudely-Formatted Rant About Boys N the Hood On the Infant Platform Three Days After Its Launch In 1991. More on this as it develops.