
Alternatively, you could ignore these impotent chodes instead of giving them the notoriety they desperately crave.

Can we just stop pretending these people matter? It’s really starting to get to me how this site can keep writing just enough great and insightful articles to keep me checking it out and then publishing stuff like this which doesn’t matter at all. The critic score will be probably fine and the movie will make a

As a disgruntled homosexual myself, I will lovingly refer to my people when necessary ❤️

the same producer that made Thanos

So I should karate chop you in the genitals, is what you’re saying?

Get a life man, geez. Did you soak in anything this article had to say or were you just searching for mistakes to point out so you can make yourself feel superior?

It used to be “Everyone’s a critic.”
Now it’s “Everyone’s an editor.”

this is my favorite story I’ve read today.

I joke, of course. Thanos and Darkseid are nothing alike. For one, Thanos is purple. Darkseid is grey.

Huh. So the heroes from Earth team up with the heroes from space to take on the super-powerful secret puppetmaster villain who wants ultimate godlike power, but who ends up winning with a shocking cliffhanger, leaving the heroes to have to fight in the ruins left from his victory. Seems like a pretty cool plot, it’s a

$$$. And because it’s easy to ignore racism when you’re benefiting from it.

I’m curious how the usual apologists will try to argue that there is nothing racist going on here.

So I’m personally not going to trust the insider information of the “Actor who ran the test screenings”.

‘lack of immature out-of-place humor’

I love the theory that Justice League isn’t any good because the guy who made two other shitty DC movies wasn’t involved enough.

I was threatened rape on twitter more than once for saying I’d give the all-female film a chance, so whatever you didn’t see, a lot of females felt. Whatever you don’t doubt, please take that condescending tone and shove it. You can’t know if you haven’t experienced it. 

“Joyless bore” pretty much nails it. You can be dark, you can be broody, maybe you can even be those things and still be Superman. Superman is usually the straight man in his own stories anyway. But when no one in your movie is interesting aside from the specific way they can smash things, that is an issue outside of

Maybe people need to reflect on themselves and why they are so tied to and have such strong reactions when they are not part of the process.

Not particularly a fan of Superman or any other superhero, but I don’t think this argument holds up.

I watched Transformers 1 and 2 a while back. From what I can remember, what passed for humor in those movies derived from parents eating pot brownies, parents talking about Shia LaBoeuf masturbating, Bumblebee trying to get Shia LaBoeuf to mate with Megan Fox, jive talking dancing black robot stereotypes, dogs