Batman WAS useless. He drew away the Parademons and then ran for it. It was awesome. He walked out the fight with Superman bruised and bleeding. He basically said, “I’m too old for this shit.” It was priceless.
Batman WAS useless. He drew away the Parademons and then ran for it. It was awesome. He walked out the fight with Superman bruised and bleeding. He basically said, “I’m too old for this shit.” It was priceless.
Respectfully, I disagree with this take. Honestly, how much more did we need to know about Flash (runs really fast), Cyborg (a cyborg), and Aquaman (hot and can swim)?
I agree with you, and I really don’t see why the two franchises need this constant head-to-head comparisons. Honestly, how much more did we need to know about Flash (guys that runs really fast), Cyborg (I’m sad because I’m a cyborg), and Aquaman (hot and can swim)? Diana, Bruce, and Clark had great emotional arcs that…
Wow, I mean, I would understand if you don’t watch any of them. But literally not know what any of them are? Billboards, TV ads, news articles, television schedules, nothing? Maybe you don’t watch any TV. Impressive.
Sigh. Classic. “It’s a mystery!” “What’s the big reveal?” “We have no clue, it’s a total ass-pull! Wee, mystery....!”
It does not give me...hope...for these movies. Honestly, they seem like a mess. A beautiful, fun mess. But a mess.
Cheap shot, man. Really no need to drag the DC movies into this thread. Superman is not the same as Thanos. Batman realizing that Superman shares something fundamentally human, a mother, with him, a normal man, was a relevant plot point.
Interesting. The real-world conflict seems to rest on how they see their duty as Imperial soldiers (protect the citizens of the Empire) vs. the reality of being a fascist storm trooper (oppressing the inhabitants of the Empire). I guess the Emperor’s posthumous decrees revealed the true nature of their service...but…
It’s an odd realization, isn’t it? I mean, it was a natural progression from cartoon violence to cartoon death. Looney Tunes to Teen Titans Go.
I read more than I comment, and comment in the greys, but I loved your voice and opinions on io9. thank you for all of the hard work over the years.
Agreed! Sadly, I suspect there are real people that would play the game and, if given just the slightest of in-universe excuses, remain loyal. It would be a psychology experiment in real life.
Properly handled, this sounds like it could have been rather interesting. Frankly, we need stories right now about people that are part of an evil system discovering that the regime they were taught to trust and obey is fundamentally flawed. It needs the right level of complexity, sympathy, and intelligence, of…
Yeah, I was frankly disturbed (and a little sad) to see that you would even play as Imperials to start with. They are genocidal, fascist, toe-rags. Why would you want to play as a genuine Imperial loyalist!?
Amazing! As advanced as some CGI has become, nothing yet beats the fidelity of a detailed miniature shot using a real camera. Movies with practical special effects look better, feel better, age better, and ensure their visual legacy.
Sounds like Avengers and Age of Ultron to me!
I think we’d get along. I had basically the same experience for both BvS (way better than everyone says) and Star Wars (extremely worse than I expected). I’ve grown pretty disenchanted with the mainstream groupthink on big movie franchises these days.
Yes, please! Don’t a few British comics still operate in this format?
Sir, I appreciate your honesty. Take all of my stars.
I don’t know if this is sarcasm or not, but now I want this. (Also, did you read Gotham Academy? It’s damn close.)
This. So much this. Sadly, Millar seems to be the perfect fit for grim‘n’gritty 2017 TV.