
Why are MSU administrators moonlighting as bailiffs?

This is awful. He shouldn’t have to ask for permission he should be handed a claw hammer.

Alex Smith for five years? Oddly enough, that’s not the dumbest thing I’ve heard come out of D.C. tonight.

“It’s like I’m living a movie,” Mr. Smith said, when asked for comment.

Gronk Questionable to Return

Heh. Absolutely true story. It’s the late ‘80s (this is important), and I’m with my long-term GF (about my age, 22/23 or so), in her bedroom at her folks’ house. Sometime about midnight-ish, rowdiness starts to happen, and the GF is pining for some candle-play. So the tapers come out (we were duly diligent, so they

Mexican Football is the same as American Football but it has sugar cane.


To be honest, I have tons of work to do, with school starting back up next week I am WAY behind. Deadspin is an excellent way to avoid doing it.

I have it on good authority that the bartender at PF Changs is black, and that Mark Davis, after his fourth appletini did in fact offer him the job. Negotiations broke down only after Davis couldn’t get the bartender to be his best friend in the entire world as well.

There’s definitely a non-zero chance that Valentine believes people buy tickets to games solely because he’s reffing.

Berry was confused. Usually when someone folds his arms and turns his back to him so he can’t see anything, that means its time to start taking the final exam in class.

Drew’s brother does TV in KC?

“hey, what about me.”

It’s also Rex Ryan’s pet name for his wife.

First you dim the lights to set the mood. Next you look them right in the eyes. Then WHAMMMMOOOO right up side your head.

The story’s author takes us into the living room of Johnstown resident Pam Schilling, a 60-year-old retiree who is already keyed up to vote for Trump in 2020:

Triggered much?

Bauer’s night was a right wing fever dream about Columbus Day come to life: an Indian getting absolutely killed out there and then getting triggered about it.