
Nice to see Bieber will also throw on a hairstyle from team Korn.

this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.

“Here is some extremely white shit” could also be said of every lacrosse game ever played.

Numerous reporters spotted carts of Bud Light being rolled into the Capitol in preparation for a GOP House celebration.

Yeah, they just call that “day”.

“Hockey isn’t your thing.”

It doesn’t matter.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

sheesh...he didnt even coach them for a minute, man.

Considering the number of socially awkward things that I imagine you must get yourself into given who you are based on what I read of you, I think that’s really saying something.

Counterpoint: She hired Magic as GM and Byron Scott as coach.

But did she apologize for putting her feet on the Oval Office couch?

There will never be enough jokes about Rick Pitino’s premature ejaculation, +1.

Holy shit. +1

The price would’ve been $1,597,200,000, but Loria was able to cut $2.8 million off of last year’s payroll.

My four year old spent 20 minutes peeling paper wrappers off crayons yesterday.

Listen, if they wanted to know specifics about how things were run the person they should be talking to is the Specific Manager.

Everybody knows you don’t work in Buffalo for the independence or the authority or the football or the ability to influence the direction of a team. You work in Buffalo to enjoy the weather.