

I dunno, I give them credit for making Adrian Peterson hobble through a restaurant/bar to get to the locker room...

The only thing worse than them using the suites would be if they DIDN’T use them. Nothing bugs me more when I’m at a game and I see a super expensive suite that’s basically empty. Meanwhile, I’m crammed in next to a sweaty fat guy (or a mirror, I’m not sure) in tiny seats, surrounded by idiots yelling the most asinine

Considering this was the first year in a new 10 year deal, I think Notre Dame doesn’t give a fuck as long as they’re good by the end of the deal.

Man, it’s like he’s coached by Brian Kelly.

Notre Dame players think that they can simply apoligize during the last minute of the game all their personal fouls will magically disappear.

Nope - #2: Hatch Green Chiles

Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.

Wine comes in a bottle?

That’s probably because he, like many political professionals, couldn’t read a census map.

The InstaPot Pressure Cooker

The InstaPot Pressure Cooker

What an idiot. Donald Trump didn’t want her to commit voter fraud. He wanted her to stand silently outside a polling place in a liberal-leaning area with a gun.

The whole thing is rigged.

Frank Tanana.

So that’s why her dad hates Obama.

The trick is to injure and cauterize at the same time.


I just realized that the majority of people reading this have no clue who Thornton Melon is, without Googling.

1. Danny Trejo.

Then, in an even more embarrassing error, People Magazine mixed up Elvis Gerbac with Michael Rappaport.