
Thank you for remembering The Fratellis.

Yeah, but what time does the game start?

Vernor’s could strip the paint off your house.

Somewhere in that Politico piece is a note about Adelson possibly pitching a bid for the Reno paper. Between that and the crumbling of the Las Vegas Sun, there’s no watchdog.

And in the world of minor league baseball:

Mark Jackson.

Remember that time when Will Bynum was?

+1 and 2/3 of the Kinka.

Keego: I take what little I can get.

Drew, my brother in anger, I feel like I need to impart on you the sweet, sweet knowledge that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse has ceased recording new episodes.


Because someone will eventually wander down Burns Road there, be mistaken by one of those God Damned Yankee Doodle Dandies as a BLM ATF FBI Delta Force commando and durn git shot up. While a nuisance, they still present a bit of danger to the clueless birdwatching set. Oregon can spare few state police cruisers on

Symbolism is the thrust of this movements deliverables. It realizes that state and federal government will do/can do nothing. So, send people to jail and ask for empty, symbolic boycotts. What's the end game on Lebron sitting out? Losing money. Riling up the trolls. What's the end game on every black athlete in pro


What couples accuse each other of in divorces are terrible. Among Candi’s reasons is that her husband still insisted by using Jimbo as a first name. On his list was an accusation that she was responsible for dressing their son in an Under Armour sweatshirt.

Yet so many others live in the gray...

June. School birthday plus gifts spread out through the year. September birthdays (or any birthday near the first day of school) is just some irresponsible ejaculation.

15 years of marriage and 7 years of dating before that (college+grad school) and I still have never addressed the in-laws by their first name. It started as a respect thing but now I just want to see how long I can go. It drives them batshit.