
The onus is on both. Yes, parents have to teach their sons, but sometimes the girls need to be reminded that they are not community property and that their bodies belong to them.

— Dan Herbeck and Lou Michel are first-rate investigative journalists. They wrote the book on Timothy McVeigh and the two have done sterling work on government corruption and telemarketing fraud.

—Buffalo, while a total shithole and festering cyst of a city, is the 42nd largest in the country. Not small town.

5 to 25 plus a fine. 1st degree is a class B violent felony in NYS.


Of course it’s victim shaming, but forget about that, the lazy journalism, the unconfirmed/shaky sources, et al. I think the question is whether The Buffalo News got enough clicks on its ads to justify running that story.


I turned MLB Tonight on too late to catch what happened, but Dan O’Dowd apologized for making an “offensive” remark at about 7:30-7:45. See...Bud Selig retires and it all goes to hell.

Much like I called out Greg Oden, I’m gonna call out John Wall ...

After taping this segment, the middle seat committed suicide. R.I.P.

He follows Carly Llyod on Twitter too? She asked for my Twitter password the other day. Couldn’t figure out why she needed it.

Problem: As a non-profit running a walk-a-thon, we keep our water out of sunlight and away from compromise. When we get a donation from a water company or grocer, we try to stretch is as far as we can. Last year, our water was past “expiration date.” Rather than deal with the potential of anyone noticing, we emptied

In my mind, Pedro vs. Clemens on May 28, 2000 [link] might have been on par. He only K’d 9 and he gave up four hits, but this was one of the best one-on-one pitching duels I’ve ever watched. The two pitchers were fighting one another without ever facing each other.

A cry for help from the $10,000-a-year/80-hour-per-week intern assigned to updating this section of the book?

Christ. Kornheiser looks terrible.

If you don’t have a reliable butcher in your nape of the neck, Costco carries very nice briskets in the range of 8 to 10 pounds.

Now playing

We will always have this to remember him by...

Apparently the characters of Julie Delpy and Kieran Culkin are living in the condo shared by my sister and her +1. Shooting is in the greater Melville, N.Y. area. The +1 owns the unit and they have been transplanted for six days and he was compensated nicely for his trouble.

The emoji combo of Dolan and the Knicks?


Can I just nominate Lou Pinella’s body of work?