
Well played.

Bought an Epic Game Bro t-shirt at the outlet for $2.99. Does a nice job for waxing my car.

Wait a second. This is FUCKING DEADSPIN. All of this and not one comment that Buzz Fucking Bissinger was the author? I mean, lest we fucking forget what he did to the Pope Will I, our emeritus sanctum?

Bob Ley trying to follow the FIFA agenda:

I’m surprised because I’ve never had a good TJ’s beer experience. The Wife likes the house-brand ciders, but I find their beers to be very cheap and flimsy.

I appreciate the clarification. I didn’t “spot” any errors because I didn’t think I needed to repeat myself. But, do go on.

Thanks Art. I forgot to go back there.

It’s homes, short for “homeboy,” not Holmes like the dead pornstar. Also, Kinja is a proper noun and is capitalized.

Yeah, but spelling receive correctly is probs a dealbreaker.

In other news:

The Sports Guy (nee Boston Sports Guy) was the dream, right? Clown that could weave a good yarn and tapped into the collective mindset of the “everyman” sports fan that woke up to Mike & Mike, thought Kornheiser didn’t talk enough about sports, and that Dan Patrick was intellectual sports radio. All of a sudden, one

I heard this and said, “What a cunt” out loud. What I was unaware of was my wife standing behind me. It took a little explaining, so thanks for the video evidence.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Boxing is an above board sport, right there with those ethical trainers that will be running horses today in Kentucky.

So, what we are saying is that Puig is going to the DL for the first time in his career?

Two months ago. I’m at my local Wegmans (Burneko and Magary will know this as the Mecca of grocery shopping; for others, imagine Whole Foods if you could afford to shop there weekly and if they weren’t so pushy about the god damned organic food) doing the Sunday routine. Not unlike Bruce Jenner, I’m a 12-year-old boy

The worst IT support call is the Family IT support call. My father-in-law loves downloading viruses. He’s a fucking magnet. The worst though was 2 or 3 years ago.

They make it very muddy to understand in markets, especially when they come into town for the first time.

It doesn't just end at the thons and tris. Those Color Runs that advertise themselves for charity? They do the same as the RnR marathon, and add another wrinkle. They offer a donation to a charity that works with the developmentally disabled. In return, the charity supplies their consumers to work the race route and