

In fairness, the Meola name isn't what it used to be. Tony Meola got a lot of press in advance of the 1994 World Cup and it turns out he didn't have a whiff of legitimacy either.

Pay the man, Shirley.

Ron Rivera should have heeded the warning of Gloria Estefan. The rhythm is going to get you. The rhythm is going to get you. The rhythm is going to get you.

You get a star for the Airborne reference only.


On the flipside, has Ben Roethlisberger finally put to rest the claims about him being too gray?

Beasley and Yao could fight crime on a boat. We already know that Delonte does well as an armed man on a motorcycle. He could be China's black Ponch.

Fucking showoffs...

The David Eckstein of barfers

Didn't Pete Rose get the death penalty in the 80s for pushing an ump?

Not unlike Desi_Relaford, I find that pork tenderloin does particularly well with a dry seasoning — red rub, Greek seasoning, coffee, ashes from a Newport.

Hangers. Ex.: "She's got a pair of hangers on her."

Alex Jones concurs

Kazakhstan in winter sounds...nice?

It's between $9.99 to 10.99 per six in Upstate NY.

BTW, I owe you a hug (or a bomber of Wookey Jack) for introducing me to Oaktober. You are a beautiful man, Will Gordon.

Too lazy to read all of the comments, but I hope someone mentioned the ludicrous interplay between Taco Bell and Demolition Man.

Michelle Beadle called Goodell a liar on Opie & Jim Norton the other day, but didn't challenge anyone to suspend her. Wonder if she will be next?

Burneko already did this on Foodspin. I would go find it but I'm a lazy Deadspin reader. Besides, you work there.