
Actually her advice on mental illness is pretty terrible too. She doesn't seem to realize that she's not a psychiatrist. She regularly doles out advice to people obviously dealing with OCD, Depresson, Bipolar, PTSD and it's usually in the vein of "GOD, you're pathetic, just get over already" only with her trademark

The way this article is written it sounds like you're saying "Don't focus on Depressed people, we're not the problem, focus your judgement and negativity on people suffering from Psychosis". I don't think that was the intention, but you could read it that way.

I think she's pretty ill, actually. Or she's trolling us. It seems she knows how to push buttons and be provocative. It may be planned, or merely because she is not completely mentally healthy. The few times I've seen her in person or on TV she looks pretty frail and scared, I feel that most of the stuff she writes

Seconded. For an internet destination that claims to be so "progressive" the way jezebel has handled stories about the mentally ill is shameful.

Oprah has always had issues with the mentally ill. I remember watching an episode of her talk show about 5 years ago on people who hoard. A very well-trained, very well-spoken psychiatrist began to talk about how certain medications can help these people recover. He got about a sentence or two out before Oprah shot

It's not even funny how many idiots believe this. They want you to be a "natural" beauty but don't realize how much effort it takes to look natural. They really do want perfection without any kind of effort, which is fucking bullshit.

I completely agree with this statement. Jezebel has yet to address the Bynes articles they wrote, and apologize, which they should. HOWEVER that doesn't stop them from pointing the finger elsewhere.

I would actually hope tracie's attitude would be more understanding, as she has given some unsavory interviews herself.

Yeah, not to mention what appears to be really abusive parents. It's like back off. At this point we're just piling on her because it makes us feel better about ourselves.

It seems like no matter what she does, the judgmental gals at Jezebel will never be happy.

Basically they're saying what this site has said for years, no matter how you are dressed, flirting etc men do not have the right to lay hands on you that you do not want there.

I think the hypocrisy on this site has been well-noted. This is just an extension of the "rules for Jezebel" and "rules for everyone else" paradigm that this publication operates under.

I don't really think you can take two excerpts from a magazine and know how these people actually feel about aging. Maybe Scott Thomas was having a bad day and Stone a good one. Maybe their publicist told them two separate angles to focus on. It's kind of silly that you're assigning so much value to two conversations,

You know what's worse than being 32 and sitting in a condo crying? Being 32 and being in an abusive relationship. I'm almost 32 and I could not give a crap about being single. It's way better than having some guy monitor my email, hit me if he doesn't like what I'm saying or punch my dog (which are all things my

She even looks like she's still trapped in the 70s.

Thanks, I find being a bar fly just as productive as most jobs, personally :).

Thanks - I've tried to talk to her but got the silent treatment. It's good to get a hug though.

What happens if you have a friend who doesn't want to be your friend anymore because she got married and wants kids and you don't want that? This is happening to me, and it's real painful.

Actually the first one was a recreation of a bridgette bardot cover. So...

OMG LIKE WHAT??? I'm actually curious.