
Idk, if you go by la la youre probably asking for everything that comes your way.

If you choose to wish pain upon those, thats fine. My relationship with the lord and people wont allow me to do the same. Despite this outburst, I’m certain youre a good person and I hope someday you find peace with whatever anger issues you yourself are facing. Have a good day.

Another angel in heaven. May you finally find the peace you couldnt here. Rip.

Itt a bunch of corporate puppets pretending they dont get why someone would be mad, despite the fact that its so clearly expressed in the article/comments section.

Everyone who was a fan of that show lmao

I always just assumed you were all just making this shit up. I thought most of us did.

Think he’ll hit her?

Expected response is expected. Keep on keepin on, and not reading.

There you go, not reading anymore. Real bright.

Im asking about pence cause thats who the person i was responding to brought up. Read.

Holy fuck, this dude has a history of infedelity? Thats hilarious...though to be expected from these gop scumbags. Please tell me more.

Theres a lot of transphobia in the far flung future?

Damned if ya do. Damned if ya don’t.

All loss, all this suffering, for a 2d platformer.

The black one is the violent one? No waaaaay! Keep on playin into this white people trash.

I think they found the right white dude for this Batgirl movie. Talk about taking risks.

Please....explain these “harsh overtones” you speak of.

Thisll be the best thing to happen to her career since the oc

If i had to put a picture next to the word autism in the dictionary, i think id use the thumbnail from that first gif

So either mike pence is blowing dudes in public restrooms and his hypocrisy makes him the worst dude or he has a better relationship than any of the people on jezebel.