
I used to live in Madison, WI and I’ve heard from friends since I’ve left that a number of the college bars downtown have tried to ban rap music for this reason. It’s not like I regularly witnessed fights outside either of the country bars in town. No siree!

*Stephen A. Smith voice*

I’ve tried it on boxset and genuinely don’t ‘get it’. My friends have been creased with hilarity and I’ve just been confused - same with Rick and Morty.

Does this seem like a review of an episode? Yes

Does this seem like a review of an episode?  Yes

Thanks, whenever possible I try to let people (like you) know they suck when they’re so cavalier with the use of the word ‘retarded’.

You might want to go work on your reading comprehension skills as nobody anywhere is saying what you’re saying.

Every other scene should contain a lap dance.

I’m sad that you didn’t find a way to work “Rapscalion” into your (lovable) word-usage.

“Shenanigans”? That’s an interesting way to frame wannabe kiddy fiddlers.

the raid was pretty good

Now playing

welp..... if i werent condemmed to hell yet,, im just about to seal my fate 

I just want to point out that that’s decidedly not proper semicolon usage.

Because maybe the stick was really a lightsaber.

Ok, that’s it. I’m now at the point where I may not be publicly advocating killing all cops outright, but I’m not advocating not doing it.

I’m sorry that your place of work is so boring.

What? So the porn was not from Alki making holograms of Tupac and Micheal Jackson sodomizing each other? How could he miss such a golden opportunity to be a mega-uber-asshole?

He’s an alki. Duh.

I’ll bet Trump also calls Ben Carson “Uncle Ben” in private.

When I saw in reviews that they took his historian stuff that was present in the TV movie and gave it to the abused overweight kid, that just read to me as “We weren’t sure we wanted a black kid in this movie... and then someone noticed and we added him back in with rewrites.” The fact that they’re taking back that