
Great, while we’re criminalizing poverty, let’s make sure to also criminalize people’s attempts to get out of poverty by -how else- taking on debt to the government. Ya that’s what government should be doing; getting its pound of flesh out of deadbeat students. I’m sure this all costs well over $1500, but come on; we

The gay country is obviously Liechtenstein.

I don’t know if this was covered elsewhere today or not but it made my day:

I would argue there are only kid’s tables at the GOP debates.

I’m a UCLA grad with a 10 year old daughter who’s an aspiring gymnast (casual fun kind, not the go live with your coach in another state kind). This is awesome and I encourage anyone who’s interested to go check out a UCLA meet, especially if you have kids. It’s super fun and the tickets are like $10. Plus it shatters

Rubio can’t figure out how to organize pancakes, but he thinks he can organize the economy, foreign policy, etc? Say what you will about Clinton and Sanders, there would be pancakes.

I was eating really well today until someone showed up with grocery store sheet cake for a colleague’s birthday...then I ate that cake like Augustus Gloop unleashed in Willy Wonka’s bizarre candy univere. A life without cake is not a life worth living.

Silver needle is an extremely high quality white tea. It looks kinda needle shaped, hence the name. It used to be reserved for the imperial family of China and only picked by virgins in white gloves!

I find it delightful that she eats all that ridiculous shit, yet her name is Bacon.

I feel like the pancake makeup is in more danger. The hair seems so brillo-y and water resistant, almost.

This was me, 2 years ago. I found out the first week of January, after a week-long tropical vacation with lots of wine and mai-tais.

One with pictures so I know what it does! Cause reading is hard for lady brains. The amount of times I've bought a can of spaghetti sauce assuming that it must have feminine hygiene products inside....

i know you have a secret crush on Shkreli. It’s ok :)

Gee, it’s not like you could call for *REGULATIONS to be passed* to end the price-gouging for life-saving drugs or anything.

But sure, mildly chastise him while he laughs at you - (and throw god in there to pander to the theocrats).

I understand that this guy is easy to hate, but I really think he is a distraction. In the grand scheme of things, Martin Shkreli is just a small symptom of a much bigger disease. We pay more for prescription drugs in the U.S. than anyone in any other modern (and not so modern) country. Martin Shkreli didn’t cause

You’re fine, my cheesy friend. I had a glass of wine, lifted a four hundred pound entertainment center, and had the flu all before I knew. Solidarity, friend!

In the immortal words of Jeffrey Lebowski, he’s not wrong, he’s just an asshole.

I wonder if having more women around would cut down on some of the atmosphere of machismo that breeds rape culture?

This is precisely why women can’t be SEALs. Their periods put the whole team at risk for a shark attack!