
I just needed somewhere to post this.

props to 90-yr old Michigan’s ex-Rep. Dingell for trolling so well

If this whole state doesn’t go blue during the next election everyone needs to get their head examined

Also unnecessary but necessary to point out that these plumbers belong to a Union, the exact thing that Snyder has been trying to undermine.


Hmm. Maybe I need to talk slowly here.

Since they’re not brujas, they’re absolutely going to be considered gentrifiers by all the little old ladies who are.

Oh no, I’m sorry! That must have been frustrating (and scary when he choked badly).

Also one for REALLY MAKING SURE to not rush into any wars.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

It depends on the kid. You start with foods that are quite soft, like avocado or cubes of roasted sweet potato. As they get better at those things you can slowly start adding foods that are a little harder. That said, like all parenting philosophies, Baby Led Weaning is wonderful for some people, and just doesn’t work

My kids did too. I also hate the term baby led weaning. No, you’re just feeding your kid. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO HAVE A NAME.

I can’t speak to that sorry, but there might be some information on the internet somewhere about it. I do know that the pieces should be large enough for the baby to hold in their fist and nom on, rather than small like a cheerio they can just pop in their mouth.

maybe it would have been nominated if it was a polar bear

By Grabthar’s hammer, by the suns of Worvan, you shall be avenged.

Another solid role. Life? Don’t talk to me about life...

While his most famous role was Professor Severus Snape, he’ll always be the kindly and noble Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility to me.

Spot on mate but it will be dr Lazarus from galxey quest before snape for me

Yeah, that’s how I remembered that. She and Mick got married in some exquisite Balinese ceremony, and years later when the wheels fell off and divorce was inevitable he was all NYAH NYAH fooled ya, it wasn’t a legal ceremony after all! Say what you will about Jerry and Mick, but that was a powerful jerk move on his

I don’t want to know what makes a 14 year old child want to do this to another human. Christ.